Sunday, June 22, 2014

Grand Canal X of China: Next Destination of Travel?

longest Canal in the world and

probably the oldest too


Grand Canal of China, 京杭大運河 (Da-Yun-He)

has been officially enlisted as

UNESCO World Heritage Site


by the way

canal is an artificial waterway

okies, something new to me

because i am wondering

what's the difference between

canal and river

well.. is there a way to

travel from Beijing to Hangzhou or

vice versa

all the way following the canal?

the purpose of having a canal in the first place is

mainly, for transportation

The Grand Canal of China 京杭大運河 (via 02The Grand Canal of China 京杭大運河 (via Grand Canal of China 京杭大運河 (via Grand Canal of China 京杭大運河 (via 02 The Grand Canal of China 京杭大運河 (via 03


as of today, tourism as well

along the stretch of the canal which passes by

SuZhou and HangZhou are where some of the

old water town are located

thereby, popular among

tourists and travellers

The Grand Canal of China 京杭大運河 (via Grand Canal of China 京杭大運河 (via 01The Grand Canal of China 京杭大運河 (via Grand Canal of China 京杭大運河 (via Grand Canal of China 京杭大運河 (via


another notably one is

between HangZhou 杭州 and SuZhou 蘇州

it’s a long haul cruise of 14 hours

departing at 5 in the evening, 

arriving next morning at 7 a.m.


which means that you get to enjoy

the sunset and sun rise along the way

no worries, it comes in room package


a similar tour is available 

from  HangZhou to WuXi 無錫


this is interesting?

so now i can’t wait to

go back to HangZhou for this


was there last month

wait a minute

i haven’t even blogged about it huh

okay ..



also announced as

the latest World Heritage Site is



The Silk Road 絲綢之路

which was already added

in my KIV-ed list

quite some time ago


and here are the posts

SH! SH! 08: Deke Erh’s One Man Silk Road 爾冬強《一個人的絲綢之路》
沙漠綠洲青 X 山窟萬佛靈:敦煌八景 Dunhuang Wonders