Tuesday, June 10, 2014

SH! SH! 10: BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀


a Taoist temple

BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀


it may not be that big after all

similar to a courtyard design


but it is really making good use of

the limited space that

hey.. how often do you

walk up to level 1 for

there are statues of deities up there

BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀


unlike the “strict” Taoist temple

where there are 3 Sages of Taoism

this is more like a folk’s temple

basically the deities who

for hundreds and thousands years

the Chinese people believe in


seated at the main hall is of course

the Emperor of Jade 玉帝

His Majesty actually rules it all

assisted by his admin deities

to take care of affairs at Heaven

as well as the Earth

BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀


seated by the two sides

are the Tai Sui 太歲 officers

60 of them who take turn

on an annual basis to be in charge of

overlooking the overall affairs of the Earth

The concept of Tai Sui has been

briefly explained here

SH! SH! 05: City God Temple 上海老城隍廟

BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀


and in the rest of the halls

including those at level 1

facing the main halls are the

other deities who have

their specific portfolio


I should probably use this hall

since its easier to illustrate

hey.. the 3 female deities in one hall

oh yeah, equal rights are being practiced in

Cabinet of Emperor Jade

(left) Mdm. Matzu 媽祖娘娘

(centre) Empress Huang Mu 王母娘娘

(right) Mdm. Guan Yin 觀音大士

BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀


I know right

the layout is simply brilliant

BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀


we entered at 4 p.m.

and the temple closes at 4:30 p.m.

I actually pretty much enjoy

visits in the evening

where there is abundance of sun

BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀


till me again

the lovely new old Shanghai

no.. I am not done about SH! SH! series

we were about to bid goodbye

in 5 hours time after leaving the temple

BaiYun Taoist Temple 白云觀