Friday, June 6, 2014

SH! SH! 05: City God Temple 上海老城隍廟

I think City God sounds kinda

not so honourable


literally, a city god is basically

a guardian, a caretaker of a town

like a “mayor” od the city


it’s usually not really that big

quite down-to-earth but

yeah your mayor’s office

will always be there


Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


we were arguing if this is the “City God”

because this setting looks like a court

or maybe a governmental meeting

with the legal assistants by the side

and the force of armed personnel  

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


by the way, this is the first time

I witnessed a proper Taoism chanting session

haha.. the so-called half Taoist


well.. there’s always an

info board to refer to (not really that always)

but there is, in this case


he was a respected General,

Mr. Huo Guang 霍光

so upon his demise, the folks built

temple and all in honour of General Huo

his image is like a judge

yeah I was right, this is a court setting after all

who determine who’s bad

and the good one will be rewarded accordinly

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


the mural depicts all the gods

in Chinese mythologies

the familiar one are

basically all those you would have seen

at the earlier chapter of Journey to the West 

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


I wish I have snapped more proper photos

these are the 12 animals in Chinese Horoscope

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


there comes the Tai Sui Hall 太歲殿

the concept of Tai Sui is a little complicated

please bear with me

I doubt if you get the concept

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


so there are 60 officers who take turn

in taking care of the human-affairs

so you know the 12 Chinese Horoscopes, right?

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


The cycle goes like 12 X 5 = 60

which means that they are teamed up

according to the year they are in charge of

meaning, 5 will come under the Rat years

another 5 are the “Cow” officers

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


five each under one Horoscope

coming into duty every 60 years

as the Tai Sui officer

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


as you can see

all of them are personalized

with distinctive characters

similar to General Huo Guang

they originate from

well-respected figure in the society

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


since they take care of the

affairs of the people

the folks will usually come to pay respect to

the Tai Sui officer of the year

during the Lunar New Year

especially those who are born

on the same Horoscope year

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


those red scarves are there

is for people who would like to

pay respect to their individual Tai Sui

pay a little money

or you may choose to write your well-wishes

on that little red papers

those being tied around the railings

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


I wish I have more information to

track down when are these built

the painting looks a little new

is it due to refurbishment or

they are indeed pretty new

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


because these area really masterpiece

in terms of the costume design and

the facial expressions of the individuals

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


and I wish I can find the book

a collection of stories on the 60 officer

who they are and how’s their stories go

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


the previous time we were in

a Tai Sui Temple was back in GuangZhou

and my dad was like

no.. don’t snap any photo of the Tai Sui

it is forbidden


Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


and this time round he was like

please snap more photos

these are really good

he can’t even remember what he did

the previous time at GuangZhou

he even asked:

so fast?  you are done snapping all 60?

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿


dad… I go by the 12 X 5 cycle okay

so I will only have to snap 12 to capture all

watermelon on the altar

yeah.. that’s right

I don’t know where on earth

my relative heard it from

watermelon is not allowed on altar as

an offering.. meeh

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟 太歲殿



the City God Hall

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


the unique part is

they have two side-halls

honouring the parents of the City God

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


and his wife

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


have you seen such a huge pair of

candle holders?

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


look up look up

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


and you will find something nice

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


How to get here:

Metro Line 10  (Purple)

Yu Garden Station 豫園

Shanghai City God Temple 上海老城隍廟


you could probably spend a day here

the station being named after Yu Garden

the main attraction which is

a classic Chinese Garden

built during the Qing Dynasty


and the Old ShangHai market

now that it is really Commercialized to

cater to the tourist’s market

 ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈


the temple is well-hidden

you have to walk through the market

somewhere near this particular square

with a small entry at the corner

ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈


opposite a Starbucks which

doesn’t really look like one

ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈 Starbucks


there’s no harm

cursing in the busy market

do not put high expectations to get

good bargain or so on

ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈 ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈 ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈 ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈 ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈 ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈 ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈


brunch was split into two sessions

the most over-rated and overpriced Xiao Long Bao

ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈  南翔饅頭店


and the quick, cheap and filling

Sushi Express

ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈


guess what?

too occupied with the marketing survey and

we actually forgot the

main attraction in the vicinity of

Yu Garden is of course the Garden

and not the Yu Garden Commercial Street

oh man!!  missed 

ShangHai Yu Garden Commercial Street 豫園商圈