Tuesday, June 17, 2014

SH! SH! 16: Forever 21 永遠貳拾壹

one of the most

prominent landmark along East Nanjing Road

since it marked the East end of the Road and

this is where you walk by

Forever 21, East Nanjing Road, ShanghaiForever 21, East Nanjing Road, ShanghaiForever 21, East Nanjing Road, Shanghai


7 levels of F21 wonders

Forever 21, East Nanjing Road, Shanghai


unfortunately or

should I say, fortunately

I am not a fan of Forever 21

not at all that

I don’t even own a single item

Forever 21, East Nanjing Road, Shanghai


as compared to my high-school shopping crony

who was willing to pay 30 USD to

ship Forever 21 directly from The States

I wonder how much items did she order

Forever 21, East Nanjing Road, Shanghai


loots of the day

a really plain basic black skirt

please ignore the flesh, bitch

I will work harder once I get back

plain black skirt x check shirt


a dual mirrors box

as a souvenir for my colleague

it’s available back home

but this “Andy Warholish” design

simply caught my eyes

Forever 21 mirror


it was raining

so we were standing under the shelter

hey… looking so delicious

the pair of boots

so I re-entered and checked them out

149 RMB, not too bad for the price of boots

and they are perfectly soft

yet.. I am not sure about F21 still

and should I just save enough for

my pair of T-land?

Forever 21 boots


the regret emerged long after

when I was back in town

was talking to Lisa, the German girl who

was my Vans-pal

the way we greet each other is like

hey, what cha weearing today?


and she was wearing this pair of

low cut boots, something like chukka

I was expecting it to be Clarks

and she actually told me

it’s from Forever 21 and

lasted over a year now



and I was given two opportunities

yet I didn’t grab hold of them


even this kid’s jumper is

costing 159 RMB each

why would you hesitate so much

arrgh.. it’s ok


Forever 21 Snoopy jumper


brand loyalty is

that important

I wouldn’t have think twice if

these are Bershka, H&M or even Cotton On