Sunday, June 22, 2014

Stephelle’s Kitchen: Somewhat Indian Curry?

so here’s my blender

his name is Blendy

Philips blender


and here’s my first experiment with

Blendy without a specific recipe in mind

I just dump in whatever veggies I have 



the easy-to-clean as stated on

the display set

delivers what it promises

easy and thorough 

easy to clean blender


then I ended up

getting a bowl of really

creamy Indian curry

by adding in some

Indian pickles

creamy Indian curry


the first attempt with the pickles

was way too spicy

I think I scooped in 1/3 of the bottle

should I call this a

Indian salad then?

Ruchi Mixed Vegetable Pickle


I have quitted spicy food

for some time

it has been long since

I last eaten something that

literally makes me sweaty


haha I was stupid enough to

ignore the label of

“to be consumed in small quantities

not for mass consumption”

Spicy caution