Thursday, July 24, 2014

Solo X is Better Than Wrong Duo: Let’s Go!

you ready?

Woodstock Ready to Go 02


muacks to those who

send their safe-trip regards


muacks to those who

promise to bring me food

after the break


clarification to those who

are saying that I am doing this

simply as a protest of rebel to

the family I recently

broke free from


excuse me

I have been wanting to do this

since a long long time ago


and anyway

it’s just Hong Kong

a warm-up for the

upcoming more adventurous travels


instead of telling myself

I gonna find a life-partner with whom

I gonna travel the world with

I would rather start the traveling and

he may hop on soon

while he explores on his own too


then we shall have loads to share

when it comes to the right time

for us to meet and

we suddenly find ourselves

having similar or

maybe totally different experience

at one particular city


or we may find our top-picked

is actually the same city and

there we go

we shall travel there once more



or maybe his favourite city is

somewhere I have not heard of

you would bring me there, wouldn’t you?


or maybe he has such bad impression on

my favourite cities, eg: Beijing

let’s get rid of this, may I?


Shall we?

If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love