Wednesday, September 17, 2014

No Guideline X Time’s All Mine: Happiness is to Shine

 17 Sep, 2014

cloudy outside

yet am feeling quite sunny



instead of waiting for

some one to walk into my life and

become the sunshine who shine on me


I can actually glow by

continue to do things that make me happy


if I can start shining on someone else’s life 

why bothered to wait in the dark

for the sun to shine in


was chatting with an old-timer

it went all the way

a primary school friend of mine


and I was telling him that

I had a great day and was

in the middle of blogging about it


he asked me if I mind to

let him take a peek at my blog


I told him

yeah you may

but after I uploaded this one okay


and I also begged him not to

read those written in Mandarin

which sort of painted a black picture on

my very fuked up relationship matters


you may ask

why bothered to post

if you think it is a

negative self-projection 

well.. that’s how I heal


my internet happened to be quite sucky

and I waited past midnight until

the post was up there


text to ask if

he was still awake

and he said he is



my post was ready as promised


somehow both of us were

not really that sleepy

we chatted all the way until 2 a.m.


about loads stuffs

from the basketball jersey I regretted not buying to

vintage animation such as

Walt Disney and Looney Tunes

all the way to my favourite-st

Love in a Puff movie


he commented that

he really felt as if he was following me

during the marketing survey trip

while he was reading on 


glad that he likes it

and he said that he

would continue to read it



little word of encouragement like this

could be quite motivating


although I always emphasize that

I write for various motivations

other than gaining likes on social media


he was asking

how could I find energy to do all these

well it’s simple

the very old school word: PASSION


and I am glad that

writing happened to be one of them

so I could pen them down well

as I am doing right now


I was suddenly thinking

on my way to work just now


instead of waiting for

some one to walk into my life and

become the sunshine who shine on me

I can actually glow by

continue to do things that make me happy

if I can start shining on someone else’s life 

why bothered to wait in the dark

for the sun to shine in


thanks, Peterrr

Charlie Brown X Linus - we go way back by Peanuts


Shine / Jason Mraz