Monday, August 16, 2010


two weeks ago

at Jusco Cheras Selatan

went with Carly, Wilson and Jess & Isaac

they decided to watch a movie

so bought the ticket

and the showing time was immediate, 7pm

so they went


left me alone

i mean i chose to be alone

and wait for the two Noobies to come

N called me

he was still at home

happily enjoying family dinner


so i went

wandering around

there wasn’t much

all Juscos are the same, ain’t they


then instead of wandering

decided to enter Popular

and had a great time reading

well i finished one chapter of this

a bit crappy

but it’s ok

then to avoid being discovered

my identity as the free reader

moved on to the English section



vibrating sound

stupid N missed call me, twice

and for the two missed calls

it took the life of my phone away

it was totally exhausted

and died off

just like that

tried to re-opened and smsed

no sending failure



the last thing i should have done

is to jot down the phone numbers of the Noobies

so that i can still call them at a pay phone

now nothing… nothing at all


i knew no one here

i did even know my way around

this is a completely new place

i felt more lost

than i was in Hong Kong



finally decided to buy a charger

and charged my phone for awhile in there

and sent a sms to them

they said they were stuck in a jam, wth


5 minutes later

out of the phone store

continued to wander

phone was revived

but any minute it will die off again

tried to find power supply in the restrooms

you know those floor dryer machine

i actually saw people unplugging it

and charged the phone there

nope, there were none here

recharged, 0.5%


till i saw it


phone charging service for rm1.50

ready in 15-20 mins

i saw these machinese before, don’t I

just the consequence of being ignorant

should have make good use of it



continued to wander and wander

till Carly found me

gosh, she found me

“hey, thought you all were watching Inception”

nope, it was Salt that they watched

1 hr 30 mins

so i had been wandering around for that long


then took a look at my phone

so it was dead again

so used Carly’s phone to phone up the Noobies


met them up

under the arrangement of ms Manager

got to Jess’s house to collect my bags

and off

bidding goodbye to them

and joininig the Noobies


went to a Wings at Puchong

hanged around till the cafe closed

after 1am

talking about Inception

about camera.. endless

about backpacking

honey green tea that doesn't taste honey at all


this was in Kay Elle

i wouldn’t hang around

till 2am at a cafe

back at home

my mom would have come and fetch me home

and that’s it



the Noobies knew nothing about this

while walking to the car with Jess

they were walking in front

i slipped and fell

near Jusco groceries department


so damn many people

got up immediately

there was a patch of god-know-what liquid

and continued


luckily suffered no injuries

pride, not very much affected too

that just shows how dangerous flip flops are

but haha

don’t care
