Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear God

claimed myself a Buddhist

but not really that pious, religious

and definitely more like a by-birth religion

and we practice Taoism

as the lame joke goes

actually we are just a bunch of ConfuSiounist


i can’t imagine one day

if i am stuck on a sinking ship

on a stormy night

well, just imagine Titanic, ok

to whom will i plead for help


disasters are happening

more frequently than ever

they say ignorance is bliss

but i say this is sheer selfishness and blindness

one day it will strike me and you too


during Introduction to Geography

they explained all the phenomenon

from two different perspective


firstly, the more widely-agreed one

men have done far too many destruction

to the environment

and now Mother Earth is sick

i believe everyone has seen this logo before

the Earth with a grumpy face and thermometer


here you are

photo from Google Images,


2nd explanation

this is a millennial cycle

you see

temperature swings is a cycle

just like business cycle

there is trough and peak

so it’s beyond our control

and natural disasters are just unpredictable


Dinosaurs they have reigned the Earth

yet got wiped off, completely

due to the drastic fall in temperature

it’s not that Mother Nature is

taking revenge on them or something

and the final strike – the meteoroid

googled image


in fact i think that they are better tenants

compared to human beings

who are modifying the Earth so much

this is going against the tenancy rules



these two schools of theories

both sound reasonable

but imagine the 3rd school

combination of the two

ok lemme recap the two theories

1st – the disasters are men made

2nd – it is natural cause



the 3rd, what if it’s the combination of both

ok there is in fact the existence of a natural cycle

and we just don’t know when will a meteoroid strikes

which means men will eventually be wiped off

and now the destructions that we are doing

are actually facilitating, quickening the pace

of ultimate destruction



love your Mother Earth

and your Mummy too

because we just don’t know

will we be still around tomorrow


take-home point

ignorance is not bliss

not take this as the excuse

for you not to watch the daily news

“oh.. i don’t want to know all the unhappiness ”

“i watch tv just to de-stress..not to get distressed ”

and rather spend the time watching Family Guy

watching entertainment news

soap operas, music videos

hilarious clips on YouTube


well i don’t mean to say that

entertainment is bad

i don’t watch them

i do watch entertainment news,

in fact loads of them


just that spare a little time

to take this environmental issue seriously

and do your parts

can you?
