Monday, December 6, 2010

Curtain Call 2010: Book for Good

2010 coming to a closing chapter soon

have been wondering

whether I have read enough this year

I think I didn’t


been reading quite ardently

during Summer

then it slowed down

since I was too busy catching up with BBS


and all the time

I was thinking

oh man

till I get a tablet

I will be reading again

since it’s more book-friendly

compared to a laptop


as far as I remember

since May

I have read at least ten

first half of the year

I was totally blur

maybe I did read

maybe I did not


#1 The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain

it took me about a month

while I was working at the ice-cream store

what's the stories are about

The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain


#2  L.I.F.E by Khalil Fong

this is the first book I bought online
as a The Rookie Online Shopper

what’s the book is about

photos available here

Basic CMYK


#3 Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella

this is quite a disappointment

after following the Shopaholic’s series

Sophie Kinsella - Remember Me


#4 Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

recently it becomes a topic again

thanks to the movie and the crossover with Uniqlo

good stuffs never fade with time

Norwegian Wood X Uniqlo: Literature Goes Multi-D

Norwegian Wood

#5 Kafka by The Seashore by Haruki Murakami

the heart-beating storyline apart

I guess this book is more about

how to deal with the inner self within you

as a process of growing up

and ultimately growing old

similar to Norwegian Wood


it means crow in Czech

and it meant to pay tribute to

the world renown writer, Mr. Kafka too

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka 

brought the similar nostalgically depression


#6 The Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger

heard of it as a must-read classic

quite long ago

and it caught me by surprise indeed

awesome piece of work

The Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in The Rye


#7 空轉人生 by 王貽興

good short articles collection about life

got it autographed at HK Book Fair

and it inspired me to open a new blog




currently reading

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

making good progress

as long as I don’t slack

Eat Pray Love Elizabeth Gilbert


failed to complete

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

that is the problem I am always facing

with classic

lack of language power

each sentence has to be read twice

progress is slow of course

but there’s will there’s way

the more I dread

the more I will miss out

The Great Gatsby