Friday, December 17, 2010

Perry Purring X Pawing Playing: Mr. Keith

Monday morning

cats are always loitering around

but I have never seen Mr. Keith before

he is so charming

and show no animosity towards me

purring away at the doorstep

Mr. Keith


the first thing that attracted me

was his furry brown tail

squirrel-likethe furry tail


gave him a little treat

of fried anchovies

then my sister came out

and noticed the cat

her response is so different from my

“oh.. this cat is so scary”

“don’t give it anything to eat, okay”

oh okay…

and look at his round body



my mom would have kill me

if she sees this

but anyway

Mr. K is a strong chap

he jumped on to the stove

looking for food

come down!!!

there’s nothing

I will be in trouble

if he breaks that bottle of oil

on the stove



really felt like caressing him

but once I opened the door

he wanted to enter

all I can do is shoo him out

can i touch your tail??


from the way he behaved

such a sweet creature

presumed he used to belong to someone

not those by birth stray cat

that’s the problem

there are a lot of unfortunate

by-birth stray animals on the street already

yet irresponsible owners are getting rid

of their old pets



so pets just get disowned

not knowing what’s going on

destiny unknown

and life come to be more

unfortunate that

those of the by-birth stray animals

since they used to be pampered

so they are not at all street wise

they have never catch a single rat in their life



they try to approach human beings

got chased out and even kicked

probably still puzzled

why are human being acting so strange

my owner used to love me so

and all of a sudden

I fell from heaven to hell

in this unfamiliar place

longing for food and love



if dog is well known for

his/her loyalty

then cat is a totally different creature

you just can’t compare them

lazing around


there is an attitude in cat

which I very much share

the indifferences in his eyes

he is perfectly on alert

he listens well and discerns clearly

but he just chills in his own way

or in Cantonese, “hea”

“hea” evolved from English term too

simple means hanging around

and let the world goes round



but when it comes to that

someone or something that he really likes

you can see passion burning in the eyes

all lively and acting like a child

he will go all out for something

he really wants

no matter what

oh my

am I talking about the cat or myself



he is so smart

he actually walked over to the side door

where I was having breakfast

and talked to me

through the gap of the metal net


the net was initially set up

to prevent cats from entering

(as shown on the photo above)


Nasi Lemak??

I gave him some portion

the “unpolluted” area

yet he didn’t want it

naughty Mr. K

all he wanted was

crispy fried anchovies

my super spicy nasi lemak


at night

it was raining out there

I wondered what was Ah K doing out there

then he appeared at the front door

purring of hunger and coldness I think

my parents’ responses to Ah K

kind gave me a shock


sorry I am not trying to

shade a dark spot on their images

but they did

they actually poured water…

just normal temperature water

but that’s bad enough

it was already pouring heavily out there

to chase him away


so this is the last sight of Mr. K

next morning

I was meowing away at the backyard

when nobody is around, of course

but Mr. K is no where to be found

hope he is doing fine out there

just fine

savouring the anchovies


animals are innocent creatures

all they demand for

a shelter from rain

and food, just enough to curb hunger

they would never ask for an iPad for Christmas

it is that simple

yet that difficult

see you again and all the best



I have tried my best to help you

just let me know

if you decide to drop by again