Sunday, December 26, 2010

Family Gift X Fatherly Hint: Boxing Day Unboxing

got this few days back

for the sake of

sticking to traditional

unbox it today

on Boxing Day


within the gift box

I got another box

a jewelry box



the “喜喜”(double happiness) logo

double happiness logo


and the dragon and the phoenix on the box

dragon and phoenix


this jewelry box

must be a wedding set

my dad is sending me a hint

he just can’t wait to

get rid of me

real soon

the symbol of wedding


but anyway

the design is really great

5 mini drawers in total

open the two sided doors,

there is 3 drawers in there



and more items to be placed on the top

most probably

a standing mirror



bats are scattered

all over the corners

and the latches

representing happiness as well

due to the similar

pronunciation of

蝙蝠 (bian fu) bat to

福 (fu) happiness

batmore bat


the elements of natural

flora and fauna

equally lively

usually these are magpies


the chirping of bliss

birds chirping


the quaint looking latches

of various designs

latchbat latchlantern latch


for all the inner compartments

there is a full layer of paper pasted

I guess to prevent jewelry from

smelling wood-like

I actually took the drawers out

and smelled it

okay, fine

not very “woody”

paper compartments


and the pictures and words printed

are basically short stories

as shown before

《Yang Xiang’s Battling the Tiger to Save his Father》



this is from the epoch

《24 stories of filial piety》

so I supposed all the 24 stories

are imprinted all over the

small jewelry box



let’s say

for a daughter already married

whenever she is preening herself

she will still be constantly reminded

of the value of

filial piety


some person once said

in mandarin

papa is the lover of past life

yes I do believe it

thank you,


my lover