Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stephelle’s Kitchen: Chinese Yam Porridge

this Stephelle’s heading has never appear

since so long ago


yes I do cook

at least 3 days per week

basically quite systematic

a day of porridge

a day of soup noodle or something

a day of fried noodle / rice (usually spicy) and soup

everything, veggie


Dioscorea opposita

also know as

  • nagaimo, yamaimo,
  • Chinese yam,
  • Japanese mountain yam,
  • Korean yam


in Mandarin known as 山藥 (shan yao)

Chinese Wild Yam 山藥


or the dried and sliced one for medication purpose

found in chinese medicine hall, known as 淮山 (huai shan)



the mandarin name of it

literally means wild medicine

so it did not leave much good impression with us

thinking that something to do with medicine

is always bitter / tasteless

basically wouldn’t taste nice at all


this is the first time I handled this

it feels sticky, with white excretion

(do not get me wrong)

chinese wild yam 山藥


sliced it into the porridge

here I am

Wild Yam Porridge

unlike the brown rice porridge I cooked

this is so smooth and soft

with the yam fully dissolved in the porridge

bringing out the sweetness and fragrance

vegie porridge



until now it still took me 5 secs

to differentiate this wild yam from

Arctiumlappa,L. (Greatburdock)

or what we call the “cow stick” 牛蒡

it’s usually used for soup as well

Arctiumlappa 牛蒡


and what’s even funnier

I used to think this is a Tongkat Ali

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