Monday, November 15, 2010

襯衫 X 外套:志明Look

grey checkeredSupreme baseball jacketblue checkered X plain whitejust blue checkeredblue checkered X Supreme Jacketback to checkeredblue pullover X maroonlove this a lotlike Q's scarf...and him, just greyepicwhacky guy in polkagrey coat X maroongrey checkered X black cardieblue pullover X grey checkered你唔戴眼鏡。。其實都幾靚仔下喔blue cardie X grey-white back to blue checkered X maroon


From the movie

《Love in A Puff》



gosh I love all his outfits

it’s basically very him

there is a very thin line

between Shawn Yue and Cheung Chee Meng


basic colours

blue grey white


how about the other half of him


it stick to the same

throughout the seven days

khaki pants X black sneakers…

khaki X sneakers


for the sequel

《Love in the Buff 春嬌與志明》

Tee or Suit X Consistently Good: 張志明 Jimmy Cheung's Lookbook