Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Memory Case File: Yape Yape Do

The Flintstone Movie: Yabba Dabba Do


this post is the sequel of

The Flintstones

last week

in conjunction with their 50th birthday


suddenly remembered about this piece

great work of art that I had

we kept it

and here you are

80% dad’s efforts

15% mum’s

05% mine :)

Yabba Dabba dostill intact


drawn on a cardboard

recycled material

so environmentally friendly

and “dug off” certain part

to have that 3D effects


saw the tape stain on

top left corner?

we pasted a moon on there

you know what moon is

forever changing shape

so it’s gone


at the back

first time appearing on Stephysiology

吳慧端 wu(2) hui(4) duan(1)

from class 4A



I already know the concept of

double sided at at the age of 10

drew a Little Bobdog at the bag

I guess it’s the picture on my pencil case

definitely my work

my dad doesn’t know this dog

a star gazing Little Bobdog there


who said doesn’t believe I got an A

who said wanna give me a new grade

come out!!

A grade


and a mask

all the art lessons

year after year

will have mask making

I don’t know why

and lady finger copping too

Fred is so handsome


and I found some old vandalism art

on the wall

sorry for the spelling mistake

I’m just a kid

I’m just a kid

Yape Yape do