Wednesday, October 6, 2010


word of caution

this is a post of

sheer self-admiration

take it or leave it


I always use puurrfect

instead of perfect

due to this shirt

I am not a big fan of cat

one and only in the wardrobe


Giordano X Disney X Halloween

Marie the cat

from The Aristocats (1970)

Purr-fect Treat


going out in a rush

somehow I picked the wrong pants

but once in a while

what’s wrong with it

it’s a Saturday

wrong pants with a cartoon tee


so my mom started her lecture

“Introduction to Proper Clothing in Msia”

:what’s your problem

:can’t you find a shorter and tighter pants to wear

:your pants are falling already


what are you saying mummy

I am just an innocent kid

with cartoon tee


dear mummy

you have actually not seen the worse

behind your back


the other night,

oh yeah 911 raya night BBQ

I was wearing a Cardi


she was saying

“why are you wearing a Cardi out

it’s a BBQ

later you end up smelling so “smokey”

and it’s so hot”


then she came to ponder for awhile

“wait a minute

don’t tell me you gonna take it off later

don’t do such drop-face thing okay”


my reply was

“no la, we BBQ

guys will do the job

I will just sit indoor and eat

nothing wrong with the BBQ”


30 minutes later…

at the BBQ

someone was actually asking

why are you always looking so beachy

once a beach always a beach

day or night

green colour mini dress

so peacock

BBQ nite 911


case two

last month

went Mid Valley

it was already getting hot

12 noon at the train station

but I refused to take off the cardi

I was glad I didn’t

to squeeze in the sardinized train

me and those strangers

practically only one inch away


imagine wearing this

on a festive season Saturday train

definitely came out all

arrrgh… dirty

Zara TRF nautical tank


and the previous one


I was walking with XH

from Jonker Street

towards the A’ Famosa

at the playground

thought wanna go down

for a round of swing or something


wait a minute

saw two very familiar persons

oh there were my niece and dad

my dad cycled her here


ran for my life

I guess if the weather is bad enough

I may have die under thunderstruck

for being such a infilial daughter

running away from my own father


but the reason being is

I was wearing this halter neck

pretty thin material

and walking with another guy

on main street

the day was almost dark already

and damn..

the Cardi was left in the car


wrong clothes

wrong companion

wrong time

wrong place

combined… X

so run baby run



nice trip we had

Malacca Trip in 3 Hours

nice photo

just that I was fat like a pig

back then…



and 3rd case

my mom always complained

about this photo

she happened to see from FB

steamboat with India gang

sorry my face looked quite sucky

can’t afford to show it

me and Lydia


that steamboat was

one of the best I ever had

the one at home doesn’t count

it’s like so good

after messing around with the

rough food for 2 weeks at India

steamboat is like the best food

in the whole wide world

and listening to their Nepalese tales


good food

great tales

gorgeous boy

Kenneth boy


when I am going for cinema alone

then this is what I will wear

loose tee + cardi

all the wrong combi

and the pink green bag..

movie alone clothes


3o secs later

just the top

it makes so much difference

now a street kid

instant switch with a Fox tank


I dress up accordingly

not really over-exposed, am I


final point

the difference doesn’t lie in

whether this is Singapore or Malaysia

and it all depends on

where am I going

with whom am I going with

what time am I going out


they call me quiet

but I’m a riot

that’s not my name

that’s not my name


