Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hallowind Walk

just me

even on a Sunday

munching cornflakes as brunch

and a nap that did my aching eyes good


windy evening…

I reserved this one

just for today



I like these old trees

with loads of arms…

creeping all over

the hallow tree


was disappointed not to find that

white Lancer there

I took his photos twice…

and stop comparing Lancer to that

bloody Proton Inspira on FB

I hate it

I hate it

where's my car


during previous trips

the car stalker

always looking out for him


hot guy!!

with piercing…

hot girl!!

with tattoo…

these flip flops guys are so magnetic

but all the time

I lament over my slow camera

sorry Mr. Oly

hot couple


noticed there were quite a number of

primary school graduation trips recently

well.. I guess these trips must be quite memorable

after years you may not remember where you’ve been

but those (stupid) things you have done

with your best friends on earth

will remain… forever

grad trip group


well, I am guessing because

I suddenly realized

I never joined the primary grad trip

yup.. I was already an emo kid back then

sitting by the fountain


then went into the mall

1hour+ walk ended

I was really tempted to buy something

a toy or something

or maybe …

arrrgh forget about it

my shopping bill of 2010

is gonna hit 3k soon

i at least have 5 photos of them taken


love the Google Doodle of the day

featuring Scooby Doo & Gang

Google Scooby Doo


seems that Great Pumpkin didn’t appear again

poor Linus

Welcome Great Pumpkin

The Fear

the fear of waking up and having

no ambition, motivation and destination

no nothing


the fear of discerning the truth and having

the blind leading the blind

the truth is truth


the fear of dying and having

tonnes of stuffs to be thrown away

dear luggage,i didn't use it yet


the fear of growing matured and having

less time to enjoy the things I like

rojak house


the fear of telling tales and having

to cover them up with more lies later

oh man they are rebuilding the A'famosa fort


the fear of being trapped and having

to die horribly lonely in this old big house



the fear of meeting people and having

to answer questions I don’t want to

run baby run


the fear of feeling very full and having

that hard-to-buttoned-up pants

i hate fats


The Fear / Lily Allen


The Fear / Lily Allen


I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don't care about clever I don't care about funny
I want loads of clothes and f***loads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
『Cuz everyone knows that's how you get famous
I'll look at the sun and I'll look in the mirror
I'm on the right track yeah I'm on to a winner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
『Cuz I'm being taken over by The Fear

Life's about film stars and less about mothers
It's all about fast cars and passing each other
But it doesn't matter cause I'm packing plastic
and that's what makes my life so f***ing fantastic

And I am a weapon of massive consumption
and its not my fault it's how I'm program to function
I'll look at the sun and I'll look in the mirror
I'm on the right track yeah I'm on to a winner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
『Cuz I'm being taken over by The Fear

Forget about guns and forget ammunition
Cause I'm killing them all on my own little mission
Now I'm not a saint but I'm not a sinner
Now everything is cool as long as I'm getting thinner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
『Cause I'm being taken over by fear

FnF Sales.. Indeed



for today only

there’s VIP entrance

there’s not much people in there yet

but I gonna do my more important stuffs elsewhere first

poor girls being turned down


my Saturday routine

is to bring my grandpa around

all the time we hang out

meet up with his friends

and go for afternoon tea



but somehow

his friends were not around today

we went all the way to the benches

near A’Famosa

it' was almost drizzling

not much folkies hanging out there



then Cheryl was here

so how?

let my grandpa took a break

at the bench overseeing the shop


and here we were



today lookbook

Roxy halter

Benetton cardie

I don’t understand halters

they are forever falling

but I guess Roxy halters especially

they are supposed to be low-cut

look of the day


my boss has been eyeing this

but the 3 digits price tag

that started with a 2

kinda frightened her

so I told her will

help her to look out soon

black mini dress


two left..

be quick or lose out


The Train Dress

Life's a journey, no matter what you take.

Our one shoulder ruffle dress will

make the journey one hundred times prettier,

with an elastic waistband and ruffle

Roxy Train Journey Dress


Dublin College Handbag

this is my boss’s order too

dark jungle flora leather

oh no I told my boss after discount

it would be like around rm 80

but it was rm 50 over budget

haha don’t care

for people who are buying 4 digits designer bags

what is that

Dublin College Handbag


The Bubble Tank

Don't be stuck in a bubble,

get this 100% cotton slub jersey,

it's the new hip thing,

with woven pockets and placket detail.

Racerback with logo metal buttons,

interior logo branding.

Bubble Tank


aha but mine is far nicer than

the thin look-through white

the first time I saw it

already fell for it

but paying 3 digits for a tank top

is totally not worth it all

managed to dig it at an hidden corner


so this is the one and only item I got for myself

Grey Bubble Tank



Hazelnut Sun Convertible Dress

Sweet as honey.

Our woven dress comes in either

the nicest of flocked dots

or the prettiest of plaids

- with an asymmetrical ruffle

and wax coated black piping,

this fully lined dress can be

worn around the neck

or as a strapless

- it's all up to your sweet self.

100% cotton voile.

Hazelnut Sun Convertible Dress


haha how I wish to buy a dress for myself too

but I am seriously broke

by the way

I still owe Cheryl 50 bucks

because I only brought enough money

for my boss’s bag and dress

Polka Dotty


this annual extraordinary carrier

is so cool

with that college font…

and thier crew tees too..



saw loads white bags

sealed, with marker’s writing

behind the counter

reserved items?

or stocks that have been kept?

pink font


Cheryl got this as well

yesterday spent like 15 mins

to think what is this call,

no.. it’s not labyrinth

it’s Elle something


that metal pink logo is so cute

L for Lanyard


this is limited edition

“Love Your Boobies”

in conjuction with

breast cancer awareness campaign

the wording is something like this…

Roxy Boobies


I didn’t get in the end

because mine is still alive and kicking

it’s good enough that Cheryl grabbed it

Friday, October 29, 2010




四十年代 重慶 真人真事















終於在 02 年一隊登山隊發現了



在 07 年與世長辭,






C AllStar 四子走訪天梯

photo taken from

Andy Leung 梁釗峰@C ALLSTAR - FB Official Page

C AllStar - 天梯徐婆婆


2012.09 TVB 劇集

《天梯 The Last Steep Ascent》

TVB - The Last Steep Ascent 天梯




photo taken from

C AllStar FB Official Page

徐婆婆 安息 r.i.p.


天梯 / 釗峰@C ALLSTAR

C Allstar 把此曲獻給建造




天梯 Live / 釗峰@C ALLSTAR


愛情天梯 / 紀錄片

56年的愛情 六千步的長度


update on 25, Nov 2010

official MV Is out




updated on 05 Nov 2012


Mandarin version / micro documentary


天梯 / 釗峰@C ALLSTAR



編曲:Adrian Chan@Sense &賴映彤@groovision


如可 找個荒島
如冬天欠電爐 雙手擁抱 可跟天對賭

無論有幾高 就如絕路
來跨出那地圖 不需好報 都只想你好

能共你 沿途來爬天梯 不用又忌諱
留住你 旁人如何 話過不可一世
問我亦無愧 有你可 失去我一切

*幾多對 持續愛到幾多歲
當生命 仍能為你豁出去 (不轟烈 如何做世界之最)
千夫所指裡 誰理登不登對
幾多對 能悟到幾多精髓
能撐 下去 竭力也要為愛盡瘁

前方 仍然大霧
能相擁到白頭 一起偕老 不跟天鬥高
前面有幾高 一片荒土
從崎嶇這路途 開墾給你 可走得更好

能共你 沿途來爬天梯 黑夜亦亮麗
留住你 旁人如何 話過不可一世
問我亦無愧 有你可以 拆破這天際

握著手 而幸福包圍泥牆簡陋
牽著走 懷著勇氣至愛得永久

幾多對 持續愛到幾多歲
當生命 仍能為你豁出去

天梯 / C AllStar

作曲:賴映彤 @ groovision

二部作曲:Cousin Fung @ Golden

填詞:小廣 @ groovision

編曲:Adrian Chan @ Sense, Cousin Fung @ Golden

監製:簡 @ groovision



生命 多麼簡單 再辛苦也不過是攀上一座山
我瘦弱的肩膀 一樣可以 為妳變堅強
轉了多少彎 不要去算 我在妳的身邊妳儘管向前看
踏著橋上木板 一步一步 能走到對岸

陪著妳 爬不完的天梯都在我腳底 困難算甚麼東西
只要妳 明白這一切都來之不易 我有何關係 我願揹妳難得我可以
有多累 我都永遠不氣餒 多一歲 我就陪妳走一歲
談不上有為 也總有一雙腿 能揹妳到天上我不疲憊
妳能飛 我為妳感動流淚 世界多美
最後證明我做得對 有甚麼值得後悔

滿身 都是泥土 妳弄髒的笑容也是一種滿足
簡陋的每道牆 圍住幸福 神奇的國度
我也曾無助 卻不痛苦 每個腳印都值得用一生記住
踏平今天的土 能夠開墾 妳明天的路

陪著妳 沒有一道天梯我不能上去 放下全世界也不太可惜
看著妳 明白我為何有這份力氣 跨過了天地 也要為妳才是了不起

有多累 我都永遠不氣餒(有多累) 多一歲(多一歲) 我就陪妳走一歲(陪妳走一歲)
談不上有為 也總有一雙腿(也總有一雙腿) 能揹妳到天上 我不疲憊
妳能飛 我為妳感動流淚(我為妳感動流淚) 世界多美(多美)
最後證明我做得對 有甚麼值得後悔

不停留 天高地厚連在我的雙手
不回頭 毫無保留 有愛我就足夠

有多累 我都永遠不氣餒(我都永遠不氣餒)
我可以 陪妳到韆鞦萬歲(陪妳到韆鞦萬歲)
我是風在吹(風在吹) 妳是風箏在飛(風箏在飛)
妳能飛 我為妳感動流淚(我為妳感動流淚) 世界多美(世界多美)
最後證明我做得對 有甚麼值得後悔

有多累 我都永遠不氣餒 多一歲 我就陪妳走一歲

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Julie and Her Cookies Factory

paid Miss Julie a visit

at two of her cookies factories

she owns three in fact

Miss Julie and her cookies


photos are strictly not allowed

in the production site

I have done the best I could


pre-visit presentation

brief introduction.. blah blah blah

welcoming speech

declaration of health condition too

and donning the overcoat and stuffs



I used to hate lab work a lot

this is the very 1st time I am donning this

there was scarf, mask but no gloves

because gloves post the danger of

being swallowed into the running machine

and you can imagine the consequences

and working with gloves,

palms tend to get sweaty and more bacteria

plus our fingertips are the most sensitive detectors

to identify dirt or some unidentified objects

on the cookies

full gear with shoe covers


all the photos from this point onwards

I risked my life to take them


1st of all

the mixing

mixing site


this is during fermentation



basically right after fermentation

the dough is poured into the

fully automated conveyance belt

where human labour is only required

at machine operation

the dough jus moved on and on

cut into cookies shape

moved through a couple of ovens

then came out as freshly baked cookies

then they will go through oil / salt sprinkler

and for some, the sandwiching processor

keep on rollin' rollin' rollin'


till the packaging department

human workers are seen, finally

they do the final QC of the cookies

and assist in packaging of the cookies

into the bigger boxes,  containers etc..

packaging already


so basically now I see

why do workers always come to protest

when their factory decided to go machinezed

yup you can argue about economies of scales

but the factory ended up hiring more sophisticated workers

such as engineers, food chemists,

these manual workers which are already with low paid

will end up getting nothing at all

packaging worker


migrant workers

who are willing to work for lower pay at longer hour

and at mediocre working conditions

will always take the lowest and poorest jobs

the mixing and fermentation site

do not smell as good

due to the leaving agents

like sodium bicarbonate, ammonium…

arrgh.. something like that

the workers there are mainly migrant workers

while till QC and packaging,

local labours are seen


well after the visit

I must say that

it’s not really an eye-opening experience

I mean yeah.. it’s just cookies

mixing, fermenting, shaping, baking, cooling

it’s basically the same as how we bake at home

but the concern is from where do our cookies come from

and so are the hundreds other foods that

we stuff into our mouths


well, I must say that

the hygienic condition of the factory

is of top-rate

at least I feel safe

to pop in a love letter or wafer from Julie’s

and the workers we met on our ways

they do not seem to be unhappy at work

under some exploitation

in fact they have satellite tv set at the canteen


Miss Julie's speciality


the packaging store

packaging store


closing chapter

buffet lunch

souvenirsi got a packetful of cookies



this is how I always skin your love letters

and lick the chocolate

so is chocolate wafer

fav cookies
