Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Lovely Krabi 06: Krabi Airport Bus

As compared to my pretty bad

airport bus experience

to the airport in the previous post

Lovely Krabi 05: Airport Bus That Broke Down


the airport bus at Krabi

was way way way better

like seriously


the counter located directly

inside the arrival hall

with clear signboard and all


it costs 150 baht

to Aonang beach

Krabi Airport Bus*

i didn’t actually check the schedule

but it didn’t take long

before the bus came

but i am assuming that

since this is a pretty small airport

they arrange their buses

based on flight arrival schedule


okay it passes by

major hypermarkets

Tesco & DaiC

sorry i mean Big C

as well as Krabi Town



and while i was buying ticket

they asked me for my hotel name

i thought it was just to confirm

if i get on the right bus


but they actually

recorded each and every hotel

like dropping off everyone

at where their hotel is

along Aonang Road


and there was this occasion

at Aonang Paradise Resort

nobody seemed to be

responding to it


so the driver actually

patiently checked with everyone

about their hotel to make sure that

nobody got missed out

Krabi Airport Bus


in fact it was a solo traveler

sitting in front of me

thank goodness i didn’t talk bad

about whoever the culprit is


her hotel is Paradise Hotel

instead of Paradise Resort

but she could have told

instead of waiting for the

driver to check with everyone


so i thought

they are dropping by

everyone whose hotel is

located before the terminal

and then they are going to

stop at a terminal and

who ever who is still on the bus

will have to walk to their hotels


i am prepared to do some walking

because my hotel is further down the road

but no it turns out that

they sending each and every guest

to their destinations


oh man

what else can you ask for


home, for the next four nights

Holiday Inn Express?

no it’sactually Extravagant

Holiday Inn Express Aonang, Krabi
