Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Foundation X of Eco Conservation: Do Read Rachel Carson

the Google Doodle of the day

May 27, 2014

is such a pretty little thing

in conjunction with

Rachel Louise Carson’s 107th birthday

Google Doodle 2014.05.27 Rachel-Louise-Carsons 107th birthday


so it actually does us good

on top of the artistic mood

we explore great people and things

which we would otherwise would not hear about


Rachel Carson

May 27, 1907 - April 14, 1964

marine biologist and conservationist whose

book Silent Spring and other writings are credited with

advancing the global environmental movement

(summary by Google)

Rachel Carson


Silent Spring focuses on the impact of

synthetic pesticides on the environment -

with the title referring to the absence of

birdsong across swathes of agricultural landscape

following the widespread introduction of

pesticides and other intensive farming practices.

(The Independent)

Rachel Carson - Silent Spring 

She won a National Book Award for the

first book of her bestselling trilogy,

in which she explores the ocean life,

The Sea Around Us, published in 1951.


Her next book, The Edge of the Sea, and

the reissued version of her first book,

Under the Sea Wind,

were also successful.


Carson is also credited with being an inspiration for

the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency,

a US government agency focused on

protecting human health and the environment.

(The Independent)