Saturday, October 11, 2014

New Feats X Tourists-Hit: Overcrowded Jonker Street

Jonker Street, Malacca

or these days they call it the

China Town of Malacca

was terribly crowded on a

long three-days weekend


queues for eateries

loads new stores selling

whatever the rest are selling

some so-called famous must-buy/try

which are previously

totally unknown to the native

Jonker Street 雞場街, Malacca 馬六甲Jonker Street 雞場街, Malacca 馬六甲Jonker Street 雞場街, Malacca 馬六甲Jonker Street 雞場街, Malacca 馬六甲Jonker Street 雞場街, Malacca 馬六甲Jonker Street 雞場街, Malacca 馬六甲Jonker Street 雞場街, Malacca 馬六甲


is it still possible to find

a quiet spot somewhere?

I would say yes

check out the next post then