Saturday, October 11, 2014

Heartless X Ruthless: Wish My Voice’s Being Heard

People come and go

As I was always told

What’s if it’s your best Bro?

Will You still be fine, though?


it was as usual

a turbulent Friday

on top of the usual anxieties 


suddenly informed of

a major happening next week

which entails quite a lot of work


suddenly feeling quite lost

as to the direction of

the project I am handling now


suddenly hooked onto

some dumb conversation which

I swear.. even I feel like

slapping myself for being so




everything is all so suddenly


suddenly being denied

the access to enter my condo

due to failure to produce

the security access card


suddenly being thrown with

tasks what I feel I do not have

the responsibility to fulfill

yet I did promise to do so

even though I have left office

out of courtesy


and yet the requestor asked if

I am fine with handling

Power Point?


finally managed to catch Mag

past midnight

begged her to have a chat

since we had not do so for long


but the conversation didn’t feel right

because I found that

she didn’t share the sentiment

which I was feeling


and I felt kinda like

*bang* when she asked me to

stop finding trouble like a person

who is too free and has got

nothing better to do

well basically that can be

summarized in the

4-word-idiom she used,



and she asked me

not to feel agitated and

she does not want me to

continue in the sorrow

kind of emo


I am neither in sorrow nor emo

and never agitated

all I want to do is to

discuss some issues that

bothered me recently


so I actually did tell her

right away that

let’s just leave the topic

as it is because

I do feel that our line are

not aligned today

something is just not right


I do not blame her

because she is probably tired herself

and has got her own issues which

I am not aware of


so probably I should stop

the habit of sharing my problems around

which are quite insignificant

in the eyes of others


never stop keep writing as

that’s the only tool to

voice your problems

without the need to

spreading the negative energy and

get yourself agitated as

the message didn’t get across


life is already harsh

not really mind making it harsher by

accepting the fact that

people tear apart

no exception for us