Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sun-kissed X Wound-hit: Ed, The Psy(cyc)list

one thing i really like about Eddie Peng is

he fits in the picture perfectly

for whatever he is doing,

wherever he is walking and

whoever he is hanging out with


from suit and bowties

the night before

and a little bit of “awwh, he didn’t win”

33rd HK Film Awards 2014 - Eddie Peng 06


the next day, life moves on

he was back on track as a cyclist

with the wounds he showed with pride

Eddie Peng The Cyclist 04 Eddie Peng The Cyclist 05 Eddie Peng The Cyclist 06 Eddie Peng The Cyclist 07


there’s the saying in Chinese

serious man is a gorgeous man

Eddie Peng The Cyclist 10 Eddie Peng The Cyclist 08 Eddie Peng The Cyclist 09


and not too long ago

he was these characters

and now actually has to shed weight and muscle

because cyclist supposedly doesn’t look

as buff as a fighter

by the way, when is <Rise of Legend> hitting cinema

Rise of Legend 黃飛鴻之英雄有夢 - Eddie Peng 彭于晏Unbeatable 激戰 - Eddie Peng 彭于晏 12


i can’t wait any longer you see

and i gonna bring my Pa to cinema

these days there is hardly any movie that

we would enjoy together, like both of us really enjoy

i don’t think he would enjoy The Muppet Movie

so it’s okay 


happiness is..

the two fav-est men of mine are bros

“Im hurt so bad bro!! So dinner is on u!! Thx bro


said the wounded boy..

Eddie Peng X Shawn Yue 02 Eddie Peng X Shawn Yue


“serious man is gorgeous”

he fools around with a certain seriousness too

Eddie Peng The Cyclist 11


that was earlier on

for the PC

floral print? no worries

hey, the guy in Play CdG cardi

stop casting that dubious look

Eddie Peng The Cyclist 14 Eddie Peng The Cyclist 12 Eddie Peng The Cyclist 13


i think i am a little bit too obsessed

am i not?