Saturday, April 12, 2014

Stephelle's Kitchen: 5Cs Sandwich

Vegie Sandwich with pasta sauce

Crispy Creamy Crunchy

"Cheesy" Cold Sandwich


Chili sauce X Pasta Paste



Corn Flake



Yum yum

quick fix brekkie on

a Saturday morning


Thank goodness I had this

Saturday brunch in the office

was canceled due to

unforeseen circumstance


Okay that colleague of mine

texted me at 8:30 if

I want breakfast


I was already in the office

and I said yes

thinking that he would enter

in 30 minutes or so


Yet he accidentally fell asleep

and never even turned up for work


the unfortunate thing was

our boss who doesn't really

walk into our office on

a Saturday morning

was here and noticed his absent


We were like trying to pretend that

yes he is in the office

it is just that he walked away

but failed to cover up for him


Poor boy

and boss was like

does he come every Saturday??