Friday, April 18, 2014

Black X Ain't My Full Identity: Putting on Some Floral Print

That's me

post-work look

i get used to wearing

an extra layer out there

because I hate getting close contact

while being pushed onto / in a crowded bus

Nike Wind breaker x Zara TRF flora skirt


Okay I think it has been awhile

Since I last cleaned the lense

Let's dig for the mini cloth


I named this "柳暗花明" out of the blue

Somehow means at the end of tunnel

(which you didn’t expect it to end anytime soon)

You suddenly see light

looking bloody tired


so what am i doing in a fitting room

isn’t it the Friday grocery shopping?

I need a proper pair of pants

the only pair was too haggard

and it survived 2 years with frequent wear

7 GBP Primark, good enough

Primark super skinny black jeans


so i picked up a pair of Jeggings at Bershka

but somehow it's a little weird

because of the elastic material?

loads crumples have been formed

or isn't because my legs are

too short for this

oh damn

what's with the missing sock

looking pretty tight there


When I started earning my own money to shop

I take one week to survey

another week to try it on

with a gap of two weeks in between

then more weeks to ponder if

I can get a better choice elsewhere


and quietly went back to the

super market grocery shopping


what's wrong with me

it's just a pair of Jeggings

just buy it


Jeggings with only elastic band

but no zip and button

no wonder it feels a little weird


lack of that assured feeling of

putting on a pair of denim


i think i am heavily drugged by Levi’s ad

there are some proper pairs of jeans available

which i am sure offer the “assured” feeling

too bad black is missing

Chambray / classic vintage blue / grey

i want all of them

but how would I expect myself to wear

a variety of Jeans if

i have to stick to corporate dress code

six days a week

my existing wardrobe is already

witnessing a competitive fight

among my clothes to get picked

on Saturday evening and Sunday


Poverty kills generosity  

all I want is a pair of simple

super skinny

smart casual jeans

preferably doesn't look too denim

Well the simpler the item is

The more difficult to find the right one

Trust me

July 2010 was when i bought this lovely skirt at Zara

the belt that came with it already has been gotten rid of

because it looks better with slim belt

way back in 2010

those were the day of

swiping card and buying in bags and bags

f.. i miss that watch

and this tank top i remember it costs

even more than the skirt and now

i am wearing it to sleep… damn

and the stupid bows have been gotten rid of too

way back in 2010 - nautical tank top with flora bow


and this one

don’t mention this one

the age of craze and crave for rompers

i was so excited that i even used the sailor one as

my profile photo.. blah

i always don’t know what i gonna do with rompers these day

so i ended up matching them with cropped tee

so what’s the point of a romper then

way back in 2010 - nautical romper way back in 2010 - floral romper


so in short

of all the loots

this black skirt is the best buy

that’s the thing when you are buying a lot at one go

not all tend to be good

black is the new black