Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sun-kissed X Joy-Reaped: Weekend-Feed

Super duper heavy Sunday

8:30 am

walking downtown on feet 

a bit of hiking, breakfast and flea market


my dad was all of a sudden

wanting to explore coin collecting because

he started to regret 

getting rid of loads of old coins

which we found out actually worth something in

the eyes’ of coin collectors

coin collection at flea market


Dropped by the mall

while my dad was

having his quick power nap

at the fountain area

they got rid of all the koi fishes

too bad


wanted to catch a bus back yet

we waited for 30 minutes

and my dad was already cursing

hey imagine i am going through this everyday, daddy


walked back under the sun around

12 noon for 20 minutes

superb absorption of Vitamin E


back home for lunch

and napped for like 3 hours

here’s some Sunday snack before nap

found that I still have

quite some stocks

since I bought for the toys and

not so much of the candy itself


someone came and took his share

actually he was the one who

directed my attention to the chocolate

and I didn’t know if

it's the chocolate

he started puking all over



evening segment was

heavier than expected

grocery shopping with mom


I think I should be spending

more time with her

since I stole her hubby away

for weekend dates and vacations


I found something I wanna buy

but can't really afford:

A baby housekeeper

Just like this one 


every corner she went

she just took a few items down

and put them on the floor

from spices & herbs, dairy products to chips

poor parents

when she saw some 3D ambient ad on the floor

of some cows for dairy products

she was like… showing the frightened face

that’s supposed to attract kids, right?

little miss busy


okay I got this

Yup.. a baby blue toothbrush holder

i realize blue coloured brands are always given priority

when it comes to selection of products

Oral-B being one of them

Oral-B toothbrush holder


the danger with free gift

you will suddenly come across

the non-free-gift version

selling at a lower price

then you start consoling yourself

It’s okay..

this comes with a free gift



what's the point of a FREE gift if

you are paying extra price for it

but hey.. look this is a limited edition



then another quick trip with my daddy to

grab something at the pharmacy

and i popped by Kitschen where i have done

a heavy shopping two days ago at

another branch of theirs

All I Want is X Some Grocery: V’s Day Shopping


hey what's going on with that

the white patch of paper and

i am that kind of shopper

let’s say i got a mark-down item

i will tear the price tag off to

find out the previous recommended retail price

so how can i leave this alone


It was something like this

two days ago


When i got home on Friday

then I realized I didn't get the

20% off as listed

but I didn’t manage to go back

so I actually made the right decision of

not going back

because they would probably directed me to this one


Bumped into something

goodness it's them

Little Miss and Mr. Man


so I got the two mini gifts for the gang

on the upcoming meet-up next week

yeehaaa… across the sea here i come

but isn't it a but unfair

one being so mini


Or probably I should collect more

before I give it out

McDonald's SpongeBob SquarePants plush 2014


i completed two sets of collection for her previously

so there shouldn’t be much of a problem

except the fact that i am already quite sick with

the taste of the food

probably the Patrick Shell Shock, maybe

2014.02.17 SpongeBob Square Pants Underwater Adventures X McDonald happy meal


arrgh when are they bringing this one

Super Mario x happy meal 

I found a pirated version back home

Oh my but he looks so sharp in photo

I called him StarfishBob, because

in terms of Mandarin, it sounds similar

SBSP is pronounced as Hai Mian Bao Bao

StarfishBob is Hai Xing Bao Bao

pirated SpongeBob


and more time with the kids

fooling around with Jayden BBrother Jay


a weekend without “I Am a Singer”

something is amiss

someone who misses the show actually

cut G.E.M.'s photos out of the newspapers

slotted them in her pink purse and

and declared she has found an idol

i told her, my idol is G.E.M.’s boyfie

Big J and her idol


Weekend is so short

but it's always worth the wait

is it Monday tomorrow?


yes it is

but I am quite resistant to it

oh really?

stop posting depressing stuffs, won’t you


yes i won’t

next week is definitely promising