Sunday, February 2, 2014

Never Ever X Look Further: Holiday's Over

Lunar New Year break is over

back to normal routine

8-6 on weekdays,

8-1 on Saturday


time to rehearse the feeling of

being sick, tired, depressed

I rehearsed it so well that

during Thursday I already started to

imagine how it feels on a Sunday night



when i bid farewell to the office

pretending that I am not

coming back forever and ever…



It's Monday again

Well, face it


I don't know

this gonna repeat

three years long


All I can do is to

break it down into shorter term


looking forward to lunch

in the morning


looking forward to evening

during the drowsy post-lunch hours


looking forward to Saturday nap

then the Sunday grocery shopping


and start rehearsing the sickness

all over again  

It almost killed me

yet after a night of sleep

I woke up pretending

this is a totally new fun day