Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Out of Place X Even at Outer Place: Much Needed Personal Space

the whole content I wrote

while I was waiting for bus

disappeared just like that



that's the thing with Blogger app

this is not the first time

it's alright...

recall whatever there is and

rewrite, real quick


Today, My boss told me:

you look sad all the time

are you alright


So it shows

thank goodness

she actually does know my existence


I couldn't pretend I am

totally so happy

when I am not


And vice versa

I just can't put on a sad face

while I am totally so happy

that's quite impossible, in fact


Or probably I am born with this

forever emo face


such characters at times appear in

movies or novels who

ended up dying a tragic dead

while the protagonists

moved on happily ever after


My apology for all the

negative posts recently


Can't expect me to write something

which sounds really hopeful and bright

while I was spending at least

30 minutes looking into thin air

expecting the bus to turn up


Precious time have to be put to use

which is to blog

so venting out the

negative energy is what

I usually do during the wait



when I am writing letters to

my future boyfriend

where I try to sound as

cheerful as possible


Because I believe

no guy would like to date an

emo wreck who will

break down due to depression

anytime soon


Please bear in mind

trying to sound cheerful and

pretending to be one

are totally different things


You try for the one you love

you pretend for those

you don't even give a damn


as simple as that


Weeks ago

another bigger boss commented that

I looked Green


I was thinking:

Yup, green is the in thing now

and I am not a big fan of carnivorous diet


Yet I replied:

Ya, I acknowledge this weakness of mine

I am bad at interpersonal communication

that's why I am here to learn


Can someone come and

smash me in the face please

pretentious whore


Anyway,  I

feel glad to have dragged through

another long Monday


What?  Are you kidding?

Tuesday is almost over?

well always assuming the worst

makes me feel better in life


that's why I always look depressed

I guess


Always out of place

even if it's outer space





GST - isn't it a hot topic now?

yay.. hot stuff