Thursday, February 27, 2014

Stephelle’s Kitchen: Baked Bean Pasta

baked bean pasta


suddenly craving for baked bean

I had stock, thank goodness

being the only canned food I store


because I saw the recipe on 12 tomatoes

my goodness

8-12 hours in a slow cooker to

make baked bean from scratch


it’s alright

I shall stick to canned bean


baked bean always reminds me of home

because it is a favourite dish of my sis

so my mom will only cook it

when she is around

ie: Monday or Saturday



if I happened to be home

which is rare

that would be a holiday then

that makes baked bean suddenly memorable 


I think I am such a bad food blogger

because all I write is

what you have already known


(i) bring the veggies cubes to boil

(ii) stir in a can of baked bean

(iii) pour them over pre-boiled pasta


I bought this light version of baked bean

50% less sugar

which makes all the difference, indeed

sweetness is the essence of baked bean


however I introduced some new flavours

the tomato enhances the sourness

chilies sauce which added tinge of spiciness


having cooked the whole can

I store half of it in the fridge

to become part of my lunch box tomorrow

baked bean pasta


some friends wonder

how on earth can you still

find energy and time to cook?

not to mention

to blog about it


well frankly speaking

work life is a mess

love life… do not mention it

now it’s even worse than Single-Available-Desperate


the process of preparing my own dinner

the simple yet warm dinner are

where I seek solace from

it makes me feel humane, again

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