Thursday, February 20, 2014

Determination X Yet Hesitation: Concert Leave Application

When I caught a glimpse of

the event proposal back in jan

"my whole world went collapsed"


20th-23rd Feb??


I have bought concert ticket

way back in Dec for

22nd feb, which is on a Saturday


Oh man

so I told Mag

kindly just give me your

account number and I shall

transfer the ticket fare to her

I am not going to turn up as promised


but she refused to

thinking that I should

just give it a try before giving up


I asked my senior colleagues and

they told me the same thing


So it set me thinking

should I take the risk of

booking the flight ticket and

submitting along with the leave application

so it would appear to be more credible


It's all or nothing

so let's say I do nothing

I lost the concert ticket and

looking all grumpy throughout the event

probability is 100%


Let's say I book a flight ticket and

attach it, along with the concert ticket

to the leave application


chances are 50% : 50%

I got the approval and fly my way or

landing on a bigger loss


Then after the press con last week

because I know if that thing

went on well

my chance is higher

and it did


I finally decided to

submit the application

moreover after that Pre-event function

I realized that

maybe I think too great of myself


so many fishes in the sea

what role do I have to play

even I have,

it is not something pivotal


I am just a seaweed which is

hidden at one corner

struggling to keep afloat

*i actually modify some lyrics

of a song to Illustrate this*


so one fine morning

I checked with the PA if

my boss is in good mood and


so there I went

it looked a bit bleak in the first place

because she asked

why didn’t I apply earlier


I told her I was trying hard to

sell the ticket but failed

so basically this is a last resort

"well.. Yes I didn't lie about this"


Then she said that

normally they won't allow

except in special case



she will bring this up to

the senior management because

she is not the one who can approve


after getting back to my desk

I was like

oh this is a gone case

she is the vice president of the group

i.e. the senior management

I refuse to believe that

patty little things like that

she has to bring it up to

the board meeting?



that's just her appeared to be

less nasty way of

rejecting the application


but oh come on

maybe it's a 50% 50% again

she just wanted to see my performance

for the week to come or


she just have to show that

you see.. Leave application is

not as easily as you imagine

so don't ever try it if

you don't have any life-death emergency


until two days ago, Tuesday?

she gave me back my application form

with a tick beside

the "Approved" column


Oh man..

Oh man...

Oh man...


Happy flyday!!!

No in fact it's a Saturday

I am still working half day on Saturday


and it's glad to think that

my boss is actually not that bad

after all

not that I thought she is


Assume the worst

prepare the best

that's my "crisis management"

motto these days



I have even drafted a formal letter

which was badly written

thank goodness it wasn't even printed


it’s a déjà vu

I actually remembered this scene

from my dream


the other time it was vice versa

gangs flew over for concert

and I was like

how could it be possible that

I will do something as crazy as

flying to another city for concert