Thursday, July 21, 2011

Down-Turn X Feel Burnt: Something to Earn

officially cancelling my HK trip this Saturday

due to the bad planning


everything started not right since

the very beginning, last year

booking with the wrong person

booking wrong hotel date

On The First Day of Christmas.. Santa Claus Gave to Me


not telling our parents

and got everything booked

although ultimately my dad gave me the green light

he even offered a 1k MYR allowance

and calling up the credit card centre

so that in case i make any transaction abroad

it won’t be rejected



plan to find a substitute

but how to

  • RM 500 is too much a sum to pay
  • parents would not allow
  • too short notice
  • nobody is as free as i am


forget about it

it’s quite useless

and it is no use to force people to go

the harder i push

the harder the situation looks like



just blame yourself

everything is wrong in the very first place


going solo?

i have even listed down the itinerary

if i were to go alone


but it would not work

nobody will even know

if i were to die there

and it costs me another lie

to tell my parents


they are giving me everything at its very best

it is so unfair for them

if really i die onboard


since everything about the trip

is going wrong, somehow somewhere

maybe it is just a sign

come on

just give up


i do not want to

have bigger regret later

so what of losing the money

at least i can get partly-refund

for the hotel


more importantly

i want the winter trip in planning

to go right

100% going right


i vow

if i ever get married next time

will get that unfortunate dude

to accompany me, for at least once

for a concert at HKC

for an autograph session at bookfair

for a day-trip at Macau


or even better

if i marry a Hong Kong dude

and can go there as frequent as i like


yup, that’s my secret ambition*



only god knows why

am i so madly in love with the whole HK culture


collect skin la 收皮啦

and go sleep!!!

and forget about the whole thing

tomorrow morning