Saturday, July 30, 2011

Not Interactive X Quite Defensive: Hi-Bye-Relatives

we never had any gathering

CNY, birthday or what so ever occasions

put it in the very negative tone

we only gather as one during funeral

the previous one was 13 years ago

during my grandma’s funeral

therefore probably this is the last one

family portrait



6 sons

7 daughters

grandchildren, great grand children

in total 194 members


therefore given the percentage of people

who did turn up

it’s quite s shame



oh my

the fellows actually

blocked the road traffic

in order for the photo to be taken

clear off the road


the end

I am never close with any of my cousins

I heard stories about them

but coming face-to-face

we do not really talk


as long as there is no drama

no quarreling

then we are happy enough

