Monday, July 4, 2011

Book Reading X Homeworking: Sunday Scheduling

it has been a fulfilling Sunday


because I have actually finished

reading one whole novel

and half on the second one


and finally doing something on Photoshop

the portfolio extension weeks

coming to the last week

I just want it to end quick

and I can just go home

because I just feel so

neither here nor there now

not doing anything much fruitful

yet it is not yet a break for me


at least I must have something to hand in

I know

my logo is the lousiest of all

among the people in the design cell

but anyway

there is going to be only one selected design


so just move on

and do whatever I can

without any pressure

for the sake of completing the portfolio of

logo, poster, packaging, interface design

and hey,

the thing I can do the best

I think



0900 – Smurf

0930 – Spongebob

0930 - breakfast

1000 – The Making of Transformer: Dark of The Moon

1030 – Model of The Runway


1100 – back to my comfy bed, hang around for while

1130 – start reading 《Undomestic Goddess》

1500 – pause for lunch

1600 – start reading 《Can You Keep a Secret》


1700 – accidentally fall for a nap

1830 – waking up in blurriness

1900 – shower

1930 – cooking dinner

2000 – dinner

2030 – doing Photoshop

2030 – watching Hotchef

2300 – supper


3 courses dinner

  • salad
  • potato
  • sandwich

salad x potato x sandwich


quite proud of myself

and I do not know why

probably because usually

Sunday I do not have much mood

for real work

usually plunging into the tidal wave of

Monday Blue


telling myself

I will do everything tomorrow

and ended up being crabby

on a Monday morning again


I guess this is what I gonna

for the Sunday to come

at least write down

what I gonna do for the day

and get them done


or maybe just list down

whatever I have to do

for the whole weekend

probably wasting the Saturday away

at least I still have some direction to go on

on Sunday