Sunday, March 16, 2014

Child Play X With Bro Jay: Sunday

I am supposed to spend

more time with the family

on Sunday

But somehow

on top on the usual sleep debt

I slept at 3:30am on Fri

free riding <I'm Singer>

and a final episode of that

Wong Cho Lam's TVB costume drama

okay let's call it

roomie-bonding session

She is on these streaming

every single day

on a proper huge monitor

Until 2 or 3 am

one-day class per week


But I usually KO by 11

yet after I free rode her drama

on Friday night/Saturday morning

while blogging at the same time

I ended up sleeping later than her

at 3:30am and still

woke up at 6:30am

and got to work at 8

So on a lovely Sunday

I ended up having naps

Pre-lunch and post-lunch

and finally awoke after 5

Family time consists of:

having meals after meals

catching up the weekdays' happening

underneath the tree bearing

loads of flower and baby fruits

watching Taiwanese opera

*tok chang Tok Chang *

and some shopping time with mom/dad

but not both

sometimes i made two separate trips

mom is more towards grocery and clothes shopping

while with dad, we hang out at book store, gadget store

flea market, splurging dinner 

this week mom is given the priority

because she already

has me booked on Saturday

i wanted to give her a treat

but mom is that only determined figure who

insists that she either cook and eat at home or

dine out at a simple place

Well do I even have time for

a boyfriend?

so I think it's not too bad an idea to

keep a weekdays-boyfie 

but how and where to find one?

from the office!!!

of course


let's skip this topic

this time round

happiness is Sunday night

with the kids



and guess what

2 mins gap

Haha, as if it matters.

lok666 kidult x baby