Sunday, January 26, 2014

Stephelle’s Kitchen: Sunday Wraps

perfectly in love with this new wrap

I got from the corner store downstairs

12 inches wrap

double the size of a Mission’s wrap

yet half the price


very home-made like

simple packaging,

with only a small piece of paper attached

half of the words written in Arabic

except the contact person and his phone


that’s the good thing about corner stores

prices may not be as competitive as

major hypermarkets

but there are some surprise items

which you will never find in hypermarts 


the whole range of arabic wraps they have

and this one immediately attracted me


when it has such large surface

it gives the liberty to wrap it

whatever way you like it

or you can just tear it into two

and make two wraps

spicy veggie wrap


the dressing is

home-made chili paste from home

quite spicy, almost choking

but the wrap balances out the taste

just fine

spicy veggie wrap


here comes the second serving

slight stump version

almost 4 in the afternoon

lunch + tea time

spicy veggie wrap


the wrap feast continued on

because I had to get it finish

short expiry date, sure it is

Greek yogurt dressing salad


the light wasn’t working

out of the blue

I kinda ate in the dark

depending on the light of the balcony


this is a new experiment of

Greek yogurt X chili sauce dressing

sour and spicy

light texture, without compromising the taste

definitely something I would continue making

Greek Yogurt salad


it actually has a light pinkish colour

which my camera, Mr. Lexis wasn’t able to capture


perfect treat

Nestle Greek Yogurt


I don’t know why on earth

they rebranded the yogurt

within a year it was launched

it used to look like this

oh yay, Qia in Santorini

Nestle Greek Yogurt


that was when I put the Greek yogurt and

normal plain yogurt side by side

now that the design was taken off

the price was reduced for almost half too

it now costs almost the same as plain yogurt

so might as well get Greek version

Nestle Greek Yogurt


I guess the going-premium strategic

does not work for this market

and thanks to the competitor SunGlo which

launched a way cheaper version

which I am yet to try 

that could be one of the reasons why

the price was driven down for half


it’s just strange

all I know of

for products of Nestle

drastic increment is a norm

but decrement, so this is the first time ever


so the Qia edition is now a limited edition

I did keep it, I think