Saturday, January 25, 2014

In Order to Save X Am Out of Anti-social Cave: New Place

meet my new room

the stuffs are not mine

except the blue air bed in the middle

and the tiny storage house

room for three


it came to a surprise to me and people

that I am actually sharing room with

two other girls

all these while I have insisted on

a private room to myself


that’s the kitchen

pretty standard

on the left is my territory

the plastic shelves come in pretty handy

kitchen and laundry room


best part of the house

the spacious living room

since it’s unfurnished

and I was even wondering

if room space is urgently needed

this place can fit in at least 3 beds

double decker, maybe

and where I am standing can actually be

partitioned into a small room

sofa, anyone?


I even thought of buying a sofa

so that I can hang out there more

or even sleep there

but it’s okay

not for the time being

I don’t even know I gonna be here for long

two other rooms up there

it’s sort of like a penthouse

more housemates upstairs


my work/dining/hangout desk

kiddy happy


the view

nothing much to ask for

and it’s quite windy at night

so here I am every time

yup.. the building looks new from the outside

but conditions of houses differ

that’s my first impression when I stepped in

and the corridors are extremely run down too

more blocks and the town houses


suddenly becoming the most “sociable” person

in the whole house

since the rest are in their own rooms

most of the time


the only nightmare was

the master room’s toilet

the light was currently blinking

not working right

but it’s better that way

because the actual sight was

quite a eyesore

not to mention to use it

most disgusting ever.. and it's a girl's toilet


I showered here during the first night

and that’s it

kept having the feeling that

something is crawling over my skin

felt more uncomfortable

than before taking the bath


thank goodness there’s the common toilet

which was pretty well maintained

surprisingly huh

master room is supposedly to have the

best toilet in the whole house

since it’s an ensuite

but this is totally the opposite


another photo purposely not rotated

because this is another eyesore

I was in the middle of cleaning it

moldy veggies, quite a few type 

yogurt which expired last Sept

and lots of insect corpses

and some which are still alive too

I thought putting food in fridge

serves the purpose of keeping away the bug




but anyway

this was no challenge to me

have done it once

back in the old collage day

but that was I got everyone to come

and do it together

that way way messier

given that a floor of 15 residents

are sharing that tiny fridge

fridge mess


while this time round

no worries..


and I actually enjoy this quiet time

right now

while the rest have left for their

lunar new year cum study break


so I am still pretty much

an anti-socialist after all


but I guess I am pretty lucky

no complains about the roommates

I found the room online

paid even before I came

and right away checked in

without even inspecting the room


the only criteria I was sure of is

the renting notice was written in Mandarin

so I am assured of who am I renting from

and who they are looking for


well.. not to be racist or whatsoever

in this pretty complex community

“globalized” if you prefer a nicer word

it’s better to find your own kind


all I ask for is a space to

shower and sleep

8am I will be gone

and will only be back after 7/8/9pm


so it doesn’t really matter if

it’s a private or sharing room

moreover it saves me so much

to have this 


the living room is a bonus

so is the kitchen

and it feels nice to stay among students

all of them are


you know how that is

when you are a student

you wish you are out there working

and vice versa


when working life gets terrible

at least I am still part of this

student community, at night 


and I could imagine if

I were to have a private room to myself

I probably would mess up the place

and smashing objects around

for all the stress I got during day night



almost done with this side

plus mopping the kitchen

but not too sure abut the frozen compartment

and there are the drink pockets too

it doesn't take that long actually


it’s alright

work shall continue tomorrow

spicy veggie soup


checklist for tomorrow

  • grocery shopping
  • living room
  • fridge’s pockets
  • fan


this is the first time

I am seeing the fan not running

so this is how it is

accumulation of wisdom