Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Air Bed X Mini Furni: Move-in Shopping

moved into a new place yesterday

urgently need some supplies

and ended up in mall

I mean grocery and home appliances


The good news is

there is a direct bus here

from office / house

frequency of 30 mins

I even applied for a member card for

the hypermarket because

I am pretty sure I gonna shop

quite often right here


but a mall is still a mall

some quick marketing survey is inevitable

thank goodness it houses

a couple of brands which

I do enjoy surveying

Bershka % sales


wanted to find black clothes

certain basic items like

tank top, cardigan etc

are short of black colour


I suspected that

my fellow colleagues have been

buying all of them up

since that's our colour code

one and only


they used to have Postman Pat's right here

the Royal Mail mini van

it wasn't around anymore

I had photo of it which

I need to go dig up


but it's alright

guess who is here

love his brown suitcase at the back

one toddler actually got

intimidated to ride with him

after coin has already been slotted in

number plate: Pad 123

Paddington Bear ride


next stop is back to grocery of course

totally over budget

prices of veggies went up so much

goodness life is tough

even if you are eating potato


totally unfurnished house

the living room is so empty

yet my room is too saturated

and quite stuffy too

goodness knows why

my fellow room mates have never

opened the window

not even curtains


since i am sharing room with

two other girls

i hang out here most of the time

Including dining too

so this is quite an essential piece

kiddy furniture


mind blowing

I did it over and over again

the whole evening

before it finally took the shape of

a proper bed

considering buying another

and this could be my

sofa cum bed while

I am enjoying the quiet hour

out at the living room

air bed


Hi my new kettle

I shall call you Philly

I am looking forward to

meeting your brother, PAFfy

Who fries incredibly well

I felt so ashamed that

I left your predecessor who

have been with me for 7 years on

A train, along with some other stuffs

incredibly stupid right

Philips mini kettle


that's the view from the living room

9th level,

not too bad I think

while I am sitting here and

see the world goes round

by the way

those are, you know

work uniform, what else?

Bershka tank top

Bershka top


walking all over the sections from

furniture, appliance, home accessories

are quite fun actually

all sort of self-assembled furniture


these days

all sort of fanciful design

all sort of theme to play with

wait till the day I am setting up

a real home of mine or

even a shop, a hostel,

who knows

instead of a temporary room

which I rented for the sake of

sleeping after a long day at work


which I share with some other

who I have not known until I moved in

who I don't even know if

they like me and vice versa