Friday, April 29, 2011

Can’t Hide X A Surprise: Belated Birthday High

I thought I can just quietly escape the day

like what I have doing for the past “sixteen” years

so that was what I did on my birthday

Sssshhh.... my birthday


for the past “seventeen” years of my life

this is the first time like for real

people celebrate birthday for me

my seventeenth birthday


OMG… apologies to the girls

because I didn’t even let them know

it was my birthday

till the day was almost over

when I was already fast asleep

behind the closed door

and they discovered it on their own

via the wishes on Facebook


you see..

that goes on to prove

how you can no longer hold any secrets

with the invasion of social networks

there are stalkers, spammers, spectators

and sensors

nothing can escape


so I woke up, the next day (Thursday)

Cat was rushing assignment in the living room

she told me,

we are going out for movie tonight



I thought I am going back home

right after class

so I asked whether they have booked the tickets

she said they did


so I will just cancel off the secret-meet-up

with Cheryl back home

and stay for another night instead



haha her acting was so poor

she let out that

they wanna celebrate my birthday for me

belated birthday, to be exact


so we were here at IOI

didn’t manage to catch the Donnie Yen’s movie though

all full house already

so went for dinner

and discussed about the next stop

MNG outlet


so I suggested Tesco next door

since it’s nearby

it’s practical

it’s economical

grocery shopping is a good exercise

to digest the dinner

before the next round

basically, all kinds of shopping are good for you

especially window shopping

the freezer mirror, even


so we landed ourselves at Tesco

did loads groceries shoppings

and some stupid photo-ing

Tesco Puchong, shoes department


then the second round

Café hang-out

I didn’t expect anything

just normal hang-out, as usual

yes.. and I didn’t fake this

till a birthday cake was presented

cake toppings


really thank you people

the effort and the time,

millions of appreciation, really

The C110 gang


more photos on Facebook

sssshhh.. Burfday Ystday