Friday got a call from a friend
asked me whether I am interested in
part time job
Sat n Sun, rm 70 per day
but it’s a round-o-clock promoter job
ok bring it on
i experienced standing in a crowded mall
from 10 am to 10pm before
this is not a new stuff
if i just sit at home on weekend
most probably i will go shopping
and put on more weight due to
weekend indulgence being a potato couch
so here I was last week
at the bus terminal
usually came here with mixed feeling
leaving home, heading to school
but this is a totally different experience
i was here as a yogurt drink promoter
but frankly speaking we were pretty slack
because only two of us, the part-timer
the merchandiser girl left after
we set up the booth
most of the time we just sat around
commenting on the clothing trend
of the by-passers
looking out for hot hunks
you know this is me..
i just like to stare and see the world goes round
but i guess there’s no point “jio”ing people to buy
those interested one would be attracted to
take one step closer to look
all we have to do was to tempt them
with the so-called “special offer” and gifts
actually the transaction was pretty easy
just 3 rm 10 packages
and if they want to buy individual items
there were just 3 types available
the bus terminal was much comfortable
from what you would have imagined
gangs hanging around… groups of migrant workers..
there were some groups
nope… they didn’t go around creating nuisance and noise
(sorry for this stereotypical comment)
they just hang around among themselves
and due to lesser crowd at night
we went off at 9pm
instead of the typical shopping mall hour at 10
so that’s how i spent my weekend
love it
maybe because the pay is high
and the task is easy
but imagine people working there permanently
life would be boring i guess
salute them
just like the ice-cream job at Igloo
i gave up after one month
hope i got more “lubang” like this to work
extra income
reduced weight
widened job experience
killing three birds with one stone