Saturday, April 4, 2009

Shopaholic Fever is Not Over Yet

my shopping this week

bought the 1st 3 items during Monday

due to the overwhelming responses

I got from sis

she kinda “halved” my shopping items away

and requested me to get more


then the 2 pants during Friday

Friday I became a helper at a IT fair

stood for 4 hours giving out flyers

(another 3 hours on Weds)

after my shift

felt the urge to shop

to reward myself

tried out 6 pants in total

finally bought 2..


actually I never want to try out that much

but the auntie was so helpful

she said since I am trying

might as while tried 3 at once

the first 3 can’t fit at all

Gosh, I am not of good shape.

luckily the pants are tried

otherwise I wouldn’t know

I can’t fit into the 3 pairs…


later I saw a rather pretty dress

nope, i am not buying anymore dress

told the auntie

the dress is nice

but i seldom wear

she said “dai go lui la,

must learn how to wear dress,

wear wear then will get used to it liao”



auntie but i have bought 8 dresses

in one month liao


my purse was kinda empty

purposely don’t wanna leave lots of cash

dug out a $10, 4 $2, $1

50cents 20 cents and 3 10 cents to pay

such a poor shopper


finished the 4th book,

《Shopaholic And Sister》 yesterday night

i am not continuing

should turn to more sober book

like Agatha Christie,

Shopaholic fever is over, over



white dress / 10

colourful dress / 2 for 15

blouse / 2 for 15

brown shorts / 10

black shorts / 10

white mini dress colourful


A blouse..

somehow i think that the ribbons

at the front look rather ugly..

thought of cutting them away

nevermind, it’s ok

I will try to find way to modify it

flora blouse


two pairs of pants

They are of similar design actually.

but who cares…

brown short pants black short pants
