Sunday, April 5, 2009

In The Mood for Love 花樣年華



《In The Mood for Love》

it’s kinda long since I watched this movie

and it’s been kinda long I want to write this post

and link it with all the lovely songs

in the movie

or Khalil’s 《蘇麗珍》

but somehow i never do anything


but till the wildchilld’s song

《周慕雲》 appeared

perfect, now i got enough materials

since 周慕雲 has turned up


所謂萬事俱備 只欠東風

reminded me of another movie

《The Red Cliff》

let’s don’t wander away


and I have watched 《2046》 last week

didn’t get to finish it

will continue on next time

i watch at 4 am in the morning

fell asleep at 5,

when 周慕雲 and his prostitute gf

were doing “u know what” on the bed

will talk bout 2046 later


once again

don’t wander too far

back to this movie


i like this kind of movie

slow pace,

capturing moments

so each scene remains memorable


and i like the Cheongsam

Maggie Cheung is wearing

no fool man

one needs to have that perfect curve

in order to wear this


regarding the love story

it’s something very simple

but i think the bigger picture

is to portray HK during that

particular period

is to portray something that has disappeared

only live as memories


a very well-written

movie synopsis


one last thing

need no further emphasis

Tony Leung is my idol

baby, he simply mesmerizes me

I don’t mind having him as my bf

even though he is only 1.71 m

height is still negotiable

nothing in this world is perfect right








in the mood for love

i always do


song list of the day:

花樣年華 / 梁朝偉

花樣的年華 / 周旋

周慕云 / 野仔

蘇麗珍 / 方大同
