Saturday, April 11, 2009

A B’day Card

every year without fail

this is the 1st bday card i receive

i like this year design

very very vibrant colours

with contrastingly white background


Fun & Alive

Naturally Beautiful

Daring & Confident


very very true indeed

thank you very much Roxy



but why do you have to attached

something else

30% off vouchers

this is the problematic part


temptation is heightened

shouldn’t i make good use

of these vouchers

to celebrate my 21st bday?


no no no

i am a terrible


i still remember my vow

to relinquish Roxy

say No to Roxy


i need a semi-formal

small or medium sized bag

I don’t own something like this, do I?

i have degraded my choice from

Guess to Roxy

it’s already very wise of me


paths available now

Roxy bag with 30% off    

MNG with substantial price off

Guess bag    

another Puma / Nike

don’t buy any at all, grab a hand-me-down from sis 



give me sometime to ponder upon this

and conduct a CBA (cost-benefit analysis)

roxy card

3o% temptations yeah, let's celebrate


but it’s kinda difficult to find anyone

to go shopping with me now

did some on9 window shopping

nope, put it more professionally

it’s call online market survey


who wanna go shopping with me?

everyone is busy preparing for exam…

then what am I doing here?
