Tuesday, October 8, 2013

PromoCode Offer X Cant Get Clumsier: Double Order at Quiksilver

(1) have been putting these two in cart since 7 days ago

2013.10.08 QS bags checkout cart


(2) then decide to check them out in store

Pavillion store was under renovation

Mid Valley store didn’t have them, apparently

and ended up, ahem ahem

Accidentally Ahem.. X Walking into H&M: Ended Up Looting’em

Roxy billboard poster


(3) then i kept seeing these popping up

at the side bar of Facebook page

tried a couple of times…

nope, it never works

and i started to wonder if Facebook has been infected with

phishing advert / spam / fraud scheme

whatever trashy name it is

2013.10.08 QS bags 09


(4) until i finally decided to checkout the items at full price

2013.10.08 QS bags 02


(5)  then i was randomly clicking on the homepage

there you are another promo code, it’s MAVERICKS again

and damn!!!  this time round it actually works

2013.10.08 QS bags 072013.10.08 QS bags 03


(6)  what on earth got into me?

i immediately placed another order,

without much hesitation

ha, so now i ended up ordering four bags

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(7)  what am i going to do now?

option 1: live chat

i guess they don’t really like me much

first talking to Victoria, then Sarah

and finally Ivy..

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(8)  so i started thinking about the other alternatives

option 2: call them up

option 3: send an email

option 4: worst comes to worst

returned the items when they are here,

no that’s a bad option

thank goodness, Ivy is quite efficient

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(9) within minutes       

the ordered was withdrawn

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(10) along with a confirmation email

or else, i can imagine

my dad would be making some noise

when the credit card bill arrives at the end of the month

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thanks Quiksilver for being all so efficient

and i am totally looking forward to meeting my

lovely pacific bags in a week to come!