Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Volume Monitoring X No Streaming: Mobile Broadband Is Killing Me

during the very first week

I survived without internet at all

only relying on the poor wifi signal on campus

which is strong only at outdoor areas

but totally not useable in classrooms


thanks to my iPad, of course

iPad is such a great invention, right

shut up don’t tell me anything about iPad 2


we tried to install fixed broadband at home

buying the P1 4G modem

unfortunately it didn’t work here

at our lovely condo

even up to the point of

putting the new modem riskily

on the balcony


well… contributed by various factors

firstly, we are at level one,

moreover we are at C block

hence, we are being blocked by the other tower

obviously to sum up the situation

this place is too secluded really


so I have got no choice but

to resort to mobile broadband

which the rest of the house are using

which is my first time using also


my Huawei modem

which I didn’t even name it

because I don’t think I wanna use it

on a long term basis

Huawei.. Howard??

Howard the Coward…



my quota is 3gb per month

which is like an average of 100mb per day

gosh, I don’t think even get to use it

for more than 2 hours daily

i hate this


mobile broadband is for somebody on the go

having the convenience of connection

where ever you are

no way, this is so not for me

I am not running up and down


all I am asking for is unlimited connection

not really high-speed

stable connection will do

which allows me to upload blog posts

and more more importantly

stream my HK Toolbar

so that I can tune into 903 everyday

I miss the radio, goodness


we may switch to the fixed phone line ultimately

in order to get broadband


you know I was so separate

that yesterday I actually used the lab computer

to chat to somebody over the net

till I heard

“Class, are you all listening to me

I can even see people chatting on MSN, using Meebo”


oops it was IMO that I was using anyway

holy shit

I didn’t even dare to turn back

my lecturer is behind there

controlling the PP slides

why the hell was I so dumb

to choose a seat which he was overlooking

kill me, it’s hell embarrassing  indeed


I don’t know in a way

its’ a good thing

when internet doesn’t come in handy

I tend to use it like wisely

allocating time for research

then downloading PDF and read it in my baby iPad


drafting blog posts offline

which I am currently doing

and publishing will be done later

gosh I was practically counting

by how much upload volume was rising


I miss my radio…


or should I just give up

and switch to the condo’s wifi service

I hate them

it’s acknowledged that each and every student

will have to use the Internet what

how come they are charging like

rm 60+ for 512kbps

rm 80+ for 1mbps


good old days at Inti hostel

with my LAN cable

yes, at times it may be slow

at least I can wake up early

and enjoy the slight privilege of speed


oh seriously

how am I supposed to live on

100 mb of Internet daily?


enlighten me..

what’s next?