the mirror in (most of the) hotel room
can make someone looks more awesome
fairer, skinner, brighter, sharper, whatever
maybe it has to do with travelling mood as well
this was in Ibis Marne La Vallée
Spring, 2012
too bad
that wasn’t the right weather
so ultimately, have to give way to
hoody + varsity
I overestimated my camera
and left the charger at London
and damn…
still wasting the battery on camwhoring
battery was completely flat for Versailles
post Disneyland
even the low resolution lousy camera
can takes good photos under the lighting
the 12 Euros Minnie headband I borrowed
that was in early May
I can’t believe how much my appearance deteriorated
within the 6 months
goodness, I hate to use the word “aging”
but I can feel it slowly creeping over already
despite the short term spent abroad
I think I can gradually understand
why some people are dying to migrate
the quality of life in Europe is indeed better
going through the photos
I don’t mind eating plain white bread everyday
save up Steph!!!
for Milan, Rome, Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin, Stockholm
I can probably go on and on
on the contrary
the darkest era of my life
summer, 2011
one thing for sure
the bed in the background is always messy
Saturday night bitter
I wanna get away so badly