Friday, June 3, 2011

Pretending Lesbian X Acting Innocent: Media Censorship Presentation

this took place on a Friday three weeks ago

supposed to prepare a presentation

no matter how we do it

as long as creativity is there

so we decided to shoot some short clips

back at my apartment


scene 1

innocent kids who were watching Spongebob Squarepants

then the mom said they can’t watch it

because it’s somehow not educational

but they ended up watching South Park in the room

the little kids


scene 2

girls’ hang out

then they found a lesbian video

just by typing “lesbian kissing” in Youtube

so they started to imitate what P1050343


4 in a group

lol if you happen to realize

something about the flora top?

4 in a group


and to our great surprise

we got 14.5 for the assignment

out of 15.0

during the presentationshowing some Don Juan covers


Media Censorship?

but there is Youtube…


so basically our point is

media censorship is put in place

to protect young children and youth

from the influences of the negative media


but if everything was to be censored

there are far too much

you know

something like this

I have never read one

but from the cover and the title

you can already gather

what is the content is all about

romance novel


therefore given all the media in different forms

ultimately it’s us, ourselves who hold the choices

of what to watch, read, listen, play

and what not to


and for the younger one

the responsibilities should be shouldered by the parents

do not let your kids spend too much time

without supervision

in front of computer, tv etc

figure out something healthy for them to do

for the kids and the parents to do together



flea marketing visiting on a Sunday morning

me and my dad


to the sea, for the breeze

my mom & niece


kids need games

then we shall play them together

look at the mucus


dance and laugh to the TV show together

Smurfs are dancing


and there are whole loads of thing you can do

with your family

actually I kinda regret too

you know

whenever I am at home

I spend a little too much time

in front of the laptop too

my private corner



I officially miss home

and the little thing we do together

I will be back soon

when everything is done