Monday, June 13, 2011

On The Wrong Lane x But Perfectly Sane: Citizen Kane

Besides delving into the

personal life story of a media tycoon,

the movie Citizen Kane represents

an ideology of mass media as a whole. Citizen Kane movie poster


Through the movie,

audiences gain insight into

how media exert influence over

the social, economical and political

development of a community.

No Trespassing


Given the overruling influence and impact,

we can see how powerful media is.

The key questions behind are

who are the people running the media

and how they choose to run it.

Kane's ambition to run the media



the movie illustrates the political influence of media.

In everyday life,

normal people like us would not

encounter politics at first hand,

media is the only channel we hear, read

and watch about politics.


We form our political views mainly,

through the various sources of news.

Therefore the common views of the people

can be strongly influenced by the media,

depending on what the media choose to write.


The very example portrayed in the movie is

how Kane instigated the US war-mongering and

entrance into the Spanish-America War (1898).

the party by Kane, for Kane


This editorial attitude of Kane

is said to make a stark reference to

William Randolph Hearst,

a newspaper magnate of that era.

William Randolph Hearst


Kane made this specific statement,

“…provide the prose poems, I'll provide the war."

It exactly echoed Hearst’s famous quote,

“You furnish the pictures I'll furnish the war.”


Besides the political climate in general,

media is capable of building

and at the same ruining

the path of a politician or any other public figure. Kane election campaign


As Kane seeks election as governor of New York,

his prospect of success seems bright,

and he even imagines himself,

running for the President one day.

Junior who is watching his father, asked:

Is dad the President yet?

Emily Kane & Junior



the quick rise collapses overnight when

the scandal between him and a singer is exposed.

the confrontation at Susan's apartment


All the promising political declaration

falls on deaf ears

since people will now only focus on

this particular dark spot.

Sounds familiar?

In fact this situation is still happening

around the globe today, isn’t it?


Impartiality of media critics

is another reflection

which the movie has enlightened us on.

When Susan Kane makes her debut as an opera singer,

obviously, all the newspapers owned by Kane,

have to write something positive and encouraging

about her performance.

It doesn’t really matter

how awful it can be in reality.

The movie "Citizen Kane", directed by Orson Welles. Original screen play written by Herman J. Mankiewicz and Orson  Welles.  Seen here, Dorothy Comingore as Susan Alexander Kane in the opera production of Salammbo.  Initial theatrical release May 1, 1941.  Screen capture. © 1941 RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. Credit: © 1941 RKO / Flickr / Courtesy Pikturz. 
Image intended only for use to help promote the film, in an editorial, non-commercial context.


Leland who criticized the performance,

was immediately fired.

And can you believe it

he is the only friend Kane has ever had…

Charles Kane vs Leland


And since Charles Kane owns a chain of newspapers

all over the place,

the distortive effect appears to be powerful.

So this particular scene really reminds audiences that

we deserve a right to question media opinion.

devastated Susan



the movie points out how media tends to

sensationalize the death of public figures.

death headline of Charles Kane


The very death of Kane,

at the beginning of movie

was being discussed by an editor and his reporters.

They tried to search for a dark angle of his life,

something curious which the audiences will take interest in. Thompson the reporter investigates



the last word of Kane before he dies

what is it supposed to mean?

the great mystery of the Rosebud



On another incident,

when Kane is running his newspaper,

he fabricated the disappearance of a woman

into a scandalous murder.

And this is what he said,

which still much reflects the situation of today:

“If the headline is big enough, it makes the news big enough.”

the media magnate


the media can manipulate its influences for good course.

the paper for the people


A the beginning, Kane idealistically publishes his

“Declaration of Principles”.

He vows to defend the right of common people and

speaks only the truth on his papers. Declaration of Principles



it is easier to be said than to be done,

this stance soon collapses in order to gain readership.

circulation is the only motive


Therefore from this movie,

it is quite clear that audience must always bear in mind:

there is always an agenda behind what is published.

To believe or not to believe?

different values of Kane


Citizen Kane / 1939 / trailer