have been trying out this recipe of
SPAY: sweet potato-apple-yogurt as
dinner substitute for
a lean tummy
not that I have a round tummy
I just wanna see
how far can it goes
and start buying all the high rise jeans I want
ok it tastes alright
not too bad
and sweet potato is so filling
can last me the whole night without
any additional munch
but started to think if I can work around
with the ingredients
it feels miserable to munch apple as dinner
on a Friday or Saturday night
and too much of boiled sweet potato
as it is makes me feel bloated
# 1
mashed sweet potato x apple salad
with yogurt as the dressing
# 2
this is not a curry potato, seriously
gosh I am craving for curry already
sweet potato apple soup
mixture of yellow and orange sweet potato
there goes the colour
somehow the sweetness from the apple
got absorbed in the soup
and there was this funny contrast
super duper sweet soup x sour apple

adding yogurt to sweet potato is great
because it kinda balance out the sweetness
but of course the soup has to be chilled before
adding in the yogurt
because heat will actually kill
whatever live culture in your yogurt
I think I gonna go crazy soon
just like the curry potato upstairs
eating this while imagining I am having some
heavenly creamy coconut milk dessert

what’s next?
well as long as it’s edible stuff
I will not give up trying
not to say that the above attempts are failures
there is room of improvement to go