Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Prey Search X Info Merge: Eating Research

I know right

it isn’t ethical to blog(brag) about your own work

but I somehow still like this set of slides

which I spent loads time doing

before the summer break


I almost like primary research

except the part of approaching potential preys

who are willing to participate


how stupid to complain

there are people who of course

can read the mind of their participants

and fill up all survey forms within an hour or so


or even better

came straight to the percentage break-down

without even bothered about survey forms


the good news is

Digital Advertising happened to assign

this task to promote a business unit on campus

therefore this primary research

could be practicalized into

some tangible outcome


cracking head for another set of

video, billboard, website, signage etc..


another video?

not such a good news after all


that would come later

as you probably notice

no matter what the theme is

I will somehow manage to blue-ify the designs

