Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Non-Stopping X Shoes-Hopping: Dream-Shopping

dreamed of going shopping with Cheryl last night

and it was in conjunction of CNY

every single details is all so clear


the location

it doesn’t seem like a particular place

I know of for real


items that I bought

iPanema flip flops

exactly as what I have seen in real life

there were at least twice occasions

I thought of buying

yet considering the fact that

I still have a few pairs

just gave up for the time being


how come I am buying them in my dream??

IPanema flip flops


ballet flats from Nike

something similar to the one in the photo

I like them so much

because they do not look Nike at all

I even plan to get rid of the lace

after I get home

Blue ballet flat


an iPad sling bag

there isn’t any price tag

except a USD 23 tag

therefore I went to the counter

to scan the product

and decided to buy it

since it is only RM 54



then my mom is here

seeing me buying the sling bag

she said it’s fine

since it’s something practical

but not knowing that I am planning to buy

the other two previous items too


no.. in real life

I never lie to my mom about my shopping

I just choose to tell her

in a delayed manner

revealing items one at a time


then Cheryl has to leave

since it is CNY

and she has to meet up with her relatives


is there any sign

to dream of shopping??

or it is just normal

since that’s what I do the best during day time