Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cinema Alone

since last month

felt like going for movie alone

《Love in A Puff》


wanted to go so badly that

during the last day it was shown at GSC

planned to catch the 11 am show

then headed down to work

but it was raining so heavily

great, so that’s how i missed it


hopefully i can get the DVD set at HK

simple reason

i like Shawn Yue

and would like to watch him smoking

puffing in and out


yesterday after the breakfast hunt

went cinema with Teddy Lim

wanted to watch La Comedie Humanie

empty cinema at 10am     La Comedie Humaine


went checked out the time

first show at 11.45 am

that means i have to go work late

i already went late on Monday

and it was my very last day at work

so just walked around the mall

and ended up going to work early


supposedly today had a date with

my manager, Ms Yap

to go for food hunt at Muar

we never meet since last Aug

why Muar?

because it lies between

Melaka and Segamat

and full of all the traditional goodness

and there’s direct public bus just in front

all the way to Muar

about 30mins – 1hr journey


have to FFK

because mom doesn’t allow me to go

and Carly’s mom has arranged

a salon appointment for her too


so today i woke up

kinda in bad mood

no more meet-up

continuously gaining weight

printer was out of order

stuffs for travelling were not packed

not very sure i can meet him on 27th

blah blah blah

arrgh.. all these were creping into my head

felt my brain was not functioning anymore

oh man i need a break


decided to go for movie alone

and my first choice would definitely

be LCH

because it is a comedy

and it is to commemorate our

failed Muar trip

Carly wanted to watch this movie badly

great fan of Wong Cho Lam

we even said that we wanted

to go catch Wong Cho Lam live

too bad when Wong was in town

she was still at UK

enjoying her touring, shopping


so here i was

walking towards Dataran Pahlawan

equipped with an umbrella

this time round

because i can’t afford to get darker

landmark - Eq Hotel


after all it was not that far

thinking of walking to work too

when i started my new job

hoping to bid goodbye to

the thickening fat on my thighs

ok will see how it goes then


reached GSC at 1pm

grabbed my ticket 

F06 right at the middle


so that’s how i killed the 40+ mins

wandering alone in the supermarket

snapping photos around

enjoying my lunch cum dessert

my fav and Ah B's fav both in pink      lunch time       shoe snap, again??


everything was so empty

empty bench

empty supermarket

empty sushi bar

empyt yogurt can

empty purse

and most importantly

an empty mind


i came out with less than 20 bucks

to avoid accidental shopping

empty and alone entrance = emptycashiers = empty sushi bar = empty


eco-friendly bag

outdated phone


water bottle


all the signs of aging

my bag content


nice weather today

clear blue sky

a bright day

yet not too burning

from level 4


even the cinema was quite empty

cinema = empty


i was trying to capture the screen showing

Wong Cho Lam and tag Carly

but due to the darkness

i ended up with

Fiona Sit  


the show was starting already

now i realized the Malay subtitle

was so clear in this shot

ya.. there was actually a pair of

Malay couple in there

kita akan berjalan seperti begini


since the show had started

see ya



after the show

i was all cheerful again

1/2 price  promotion at FOS

went in, patrolling

can’t help but went ATM


today lookbook

宅女 (anti-social home gurl)

who would like to minimize

the chance of becoming snatch theft victim

because she walked all the way

for 20mins on the road

the auntie look


tried out three pieces

finally got one only

the answer is quite obvious, isn’t it

slightly younger look        omg.. next    it's not grand.. just acceptable


stayed like another 1 hour in the mall

hunting for a backpack

this HK trip

luggage is strictly banned

because i want to be a backpacker


my Pierre Cardin for dad

for myself

i was trying to look for

the Snoopy backpack i used for schooling

it was so cute and nostalgic

after few days of futile ransacking

i got the mystery unveiled

mom had passed it to a relative

but glad to hear that

the boy is still using it till today

praising it durability


so i have indirectly done a good deed

by passing down my schoolbag

and extra bonus

it gives me a valid excuse

to get a backpack


remained in QS for so long

40% off

checking all the bags

for the design, prices and capacities

luckily i did not have enough money

with me

otherwise would have grabbed one already


couldn’t make up my mind

ok no way

get one at HK ok

buy a bag and use it immediately

that’s what i am always good at


an unique one

and it would not be too late

if i come back for it after the trip

just in case i don’t find a suitable one in HK

can still come back for it next week


so for the time being

just KIV

i shall be back

imagining myself carrying a cool backpack

at the streets of Bangkok next year

and more adventures are yet to come
